Plum's minimap - Rotating map, bordersnapping blips and more!

The Roact module keeps giving errors for me.

Please post a screenshot of your output

No. This is not possible with this module.

hello, how could i take out the round corners of the minimap and change some of its properties of the frame, like sizeconstraint and this stuff? because i cant find a way of properly making it fit on all screens, thanks, and the settings on the module name settings, is it the settings of the frame?

The UI isn’t appearing and I get nothing in the output.

man the blips now arent working but they were working before, its all tagged correctly and the names are perfect, it just stopped working from night to day, i realized they work but it dont snap to the border anymore

Please check, that snap to border is set to true where you define the tag.

what part of the script should i add a “get property changed signal” function to the blip container size, or the map size itself, so when i change the map size in game, the blips will update?

Hmm. That is not possible with the current version. Maybe i’ll look into it.

right, i was looking into the scripts and maybe is the blip:render() function, and the position of the blip would be the “Pos” variable?

That is correct. I would change the map size variable in the settings module, then fire the bindableevent “Update”. That is how I would make it, if it will be implemented in the official module.

ah i understand, but not pressure on making it for now, i know that its hard to make something like this, one thing i would like to know is, the Pos variable is self.state.position, what object is the state? i tried adding a getpropertychangedsignal on it lol

The state is a vector3(or UDIM2 can’t remember), and the getpropertychangedsignal will not work.

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I am experiencing the same issue as @Sammi_Eles, it is annoying as those warnings are only from the minimap, and I use the script analytics all the time.

Even if I close all the warnings, the tab is still unusable.

You should use the output panel instead of the script analysis panel. I don’t control the warnings you’re experiencing, because it’s from the hi framework “roact”.

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This easy-to-use resource has tons of useful additives that easily make it amongst my favourites resources. It’s benefitted the projects I’m working on by clearing up time for other tasks.

Thank you

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Hi Plum,
Super sweet minimap and thanks for all the comments in the scripts.

I have scanned through all the above reply’s and comments and have a few quests ions.

  1. I noticed the open source game has a 9/9/2021 date and the model is 5/01/2021 date, github code is months back, does the open source game have code the others do not?

  2. I have read some other player radars use collectionservice to improve performance, is that possible? (or not needed)

  3. I am still looking through the code, but if it uses the actual part name to do the tags, is there any thought of instead using a part (new) attribute name , like lets say ‘Tagit’, then the parts could just use the attribute feature instead of having the same name…

Thanks, Plum… AlvinBlox’s shared your link when I was asking for player radar links… so I am just digging into your sweet stuff!


I’m glad to hear, that you like the minimap!

To answer your questions.

  1. The minimap in the showcase should work the same as the minimap on the github page.

  2. My minimap uses Collectionsservice, as it’s better for performance, and ease of use.

  3. As I said in question #2 it’s looking for the Collectionservice tag, so it has nothing to do with the name of the part. You could therefor name your parts whatever you want!

I hope this answered your questions. If you have any more questions feel free to ask them!

If I may ask, when and where did AlvinBlox share the link to this devforum post?

Thanks for replying.

AlvinBlox shared it on his discord #chat , and posted ur dev link, after I asked for links for player radars.

  1. In the open source, is the workspace minimap module needed (or should be deleted , since it is in starterplayerscripts?

  2. while in game play studio, if I copy a John part ,it shows up on the map, but when I delete it manually , an error pops up in output ,

09:56:11.545 Players.Lord_BradyRocks.PlayerScripts.Minimap.Internal.MinimapController.UiCreationController.Blip:68: attempt to index nil with ‘Parent’ - Client - Blip:68
09:56:11.546 Stack Begin - Studio
09:56:11.547 Script ‘Players.Lord_BradyRocks.PlayerScripts.Minimap.Internal.MinimapController.UiCreationController.Blip’, Line 68 - Studio - Blip:68
09:56:11.548 Stack End - Studio

function blip:didMount()
self.renderLoop = game:GetService(“RunService”).RenderStepped:connect(function()

	local map = self.blipRef.Parent

If a check for ’ self.blipRef.Parent’ equalling nil and not going into code, would that fix this.

Example case, you have a chest of gold and want it on the map, then when they get it you destroy the chest.


You should do


before destroying the part/model.