
It’s been a BIT since the last devlog pretty much a week but I’ve just um let’s say just havent been as focused and like other stuff got in the way but that’s fine though, just since I’m doing everything myself and like when there is something that doesnt work how i want it to or doesnt look how I want i will spend lots off time on it until i get it pretty much close to perfect which is a problem I’ll admit I have but, moving forward is all that matters!
ALRIGHT RECAP, so since the last devlog the player is now able to build equipment, the equipment is able to spawn plushies from a variety of plushie collections and the player is able to collect them and earn some money, by collect I meant just like the act of collecting not the actual mechanic for this current devlog hahaA
So, since then I have created another button to the UI toolbar next to the build button for opening the collections UI

I decided to make the icon a box so you know when you collect stuff you’d put it inside of some type of storage thing so I picked a box!
Next is the most painful part which was making the main UI for the collections in the game,
So I had a super hard time at first trying to think of how I wanted to lay it out because I just am a perfectionist but I went with a frame to the very left which will be a scrollingframe containing all the plushie collection categories and then the frame to the right is for the actual plushie silouhette images/unlocked, and at the top is of course the close button and then the title and the ??? is for which collection is currently in view!
Also another painful part about creating this UI was for the frame on the right it was super hard deciding if I wanted to use a UIGridLayout or a UIListLayout and ultimately I went with a UIGridLayout BUT of course I had problems with sizing and it was a headache and I got distracted but we’re on course again though!
Then shortly after that I started scripting the actual collection of plushies where I store them into the player’s data and update the UI and all that good stuff and it’s working flawlessly!
So when you dont have a plushie collected it’ll just be a silhouette
Once you have at least one it’ll show you the amount you collected and also a colorful version of the silhouette!
This is EXACTLY how I envisioned it so I’m super happy with how it’s looking and works right now!
Here is a video showing it alll!!!
Whats next?
Hm, honestly now that I’ve gotten all the basic mechanics working how I want them too I’d say the game is in like early alpha right now but it’s to the point its playable but there is definitely some stuff that needs some revisiting, but as for mechanics wise the game in it’s current state is actually pretty fleshed out in that sense, of course there is still equipment to be made and also plushies but the game is on IT’S WAY!