Plutos Cafe Information
About Us:
Plutos Cafe is a Cafe-based Group that offers Cafe RP, good Cafe Map and More!
Plutos Cafe Was Founded in 2020 by lui20102!
Rules and Guidelines
Rules and Guidelines must be followed at any time in all Plutos Cafe games!
- All staff must use proper grammar and punctuation while at any Plutos game.
- Trolling will result in consequences depending on the severity.
- Exploiting will be an instant banishment without an option of appealing.
- Bypassing the filter will lead to an instant banishment.
- Everyone in game is to be treated with respect.
- Sharing or asking for any personal information about yourself or others will not be tolerated.
- Do not troll at any other business, regardless if they’re affiliated with Plutos.
- Raiding will lead to being permanently banned from the game.
- Advertising a separate group/game/other is not tolerated (talking about other groups in a way that isn’t advertising is perfectly fine).
- Spamming will lead to a removal from the server and is in no way allowed.
- Refrain from trash talking other groups or other people.
- Raiding will result in an instant banishment.
- Follow Roblox’s Terms of Use.
Leadership Ranks
- Group Holder[-] | Group Holder
- Group Owner [-] | Group Owners
- Group Co Owner [-] | Group Co - Owners
| Group Representative|
| Manage the Allies and more
- Group Manager [-] | Manage the Group
- Senior Executive | Older Executive
- Executive | New Executive
Interview Guide
You may copy this document to change the username.
Hello my name is [USER] and in this session I am going to be your interviewer.
But before we begin do you have any questions?
- Why do you want to work at Pluto’s Cafe?
2 How are you going to benefit Pluto’s cafe?
3 Will you abuse the HR/Admin cmds?
4 Have you read all of pluto’s Cafe rules and guidelines?
5 Do you understand that abusing this rank will cause a demotion?
6 Fix the sentence, Hello WELCOME TO PLUTO’S CAFE HOW MAY I HELP U?
7 How many warnings do trollers get?
8 How many warnings do spammers get?
9 How many warnings do exploiters get?
10 How will you react during people Aa (Admin Abusers)?
Ban Appeal Information
Permanent Banishment (Universal)
After 30 days have passed since your ban, you may create a ticket or get in contact with a to appeal your ban.
After 30 days have passed since your termination, you may create a ticket or get in contact with a Executive+ to appeal your termination.
Blacklists are permanent and cannot be retracted unless deemed invalid.
Written by: Heidrun333
Signed by Group Manager,