PMBG/AML | Citaro C2 V4B

Citaro C2 V4B

For the past few years, I’ve been working on the new & better citaro c2. Within this document you’ll learn about the brand-new updates to the bus & the up coming ones.

Update log


  • New & better sound
  • Keybinds
  • Animated doors
  • Brand new city bus interior
  • Announcements
  • New paper ticket system
  • Fixed gui not appearing issue
  • Emergency door release

Being worked on

  • New OV-chipkaart check in & out system
  • Bus tilt
  • Stop button
  • Realistic startup
  • “IT” system
  • Small details for the ui

Paper ticket & Checkin system

To print a ticket, press the “Open ticket menu” button on the gui. Then select the ticket you want to print. For the Check insystems, you’ll see a map with all the machines, beside that you’ll see the status of the machines.

How to print a ticket

  1. Open “Ticket menu”
  2. Press the ticket you want to print
    ticket printing menu
  3. Done :3!

How to turn on the Check in Systems

Before we start, these have a few error codes you’ll need to know

  • 01-10 Error | Machines can’t be found
  • 05-10 Check-in niet ingesteld (Check-in not set) | This error appears if the feature is disabled.
    example of an error
  1. Open the checkin system menu
    Checkin system
  2. Press on the machines you want to turn on
City bus interior

This update includes the city bus seats, unlike the last one these are made for short distances within a city. Besides that, there were major changes to the interior itself, with more textures & details.


Setting up your route is single-handedly one of the most important things to do before driving. This will show the passengers where the bus is traveling to. To setup the announcement system, type your line number into the gui & press “X”. It’ll automatically play when you’re approaching a station.

How to setup your route

  1. Find the route number (example: k300)
  2. Go to Main Menu & type the number in Line & press X
    main menu

Within the new update we’ve added keybinds for the doors. This took quite a while but nevertheless it’s here! :3
To use the keybinds

  • Door 1 = Number 1
  • Door 2 = Number 3
  • Daylight = L (Normal lights press x2 L)
  • Left blinker = Q
  • Right blinker = E
  • Hazards = X
Emergency door release

The emergency door release value is located next to all doors and is used for emergency situations. By turning the valve next to the door it will releases the pressure from it, this will trigger the closing door lights to flicker to depict that the door is on low pressure and that it forbids the driver on closing/opening the door.

How to turn on

  1. Turn the valve next to the door
  2. Wait till the pressure releases from the doors
  3. Press on the doors itself to push them open

How to turn off

  1. Turn the valve back
  2. Wait till the doors close & the closing door light stops flickering


Checkin system
main menu
ticket printing menu



Thank you so much for all your patients and the support around the project. And I apologize that this update took really long to come out, but I hope it was worth the wait!

  • Kamil, Shea & Nagipha for helping with scripting
  • FloribertHD for helping with modelling

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