PNG images with 16 bit color depth fail to upload

Recently I’ve been doing a lot of 3D Modeling and texturing for my game and I’ve noticed that Roblox won’t allow me to upload images with a 16-bit color depth. I understand that maybe this just isn’t supported by the render pipeline but it seems a bit odd. Maybe I am just missing something. Does anyone know why this might be the case?

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what you are saying is correct. Roblox only supports 8bit depth because of it’s rendering engine. If you tried to force allow 16 bit, the launcher would just keep crashing every time you open it, or it would ask you to update your drivers.

This is why when you edit an object’s color in studio, the color grid that shows up has 256 x 256 colors on it.

THis is also why every color or shade of color you choose has a brightness level that goes up to 255.

For instance, this is white in 8bit:

Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)

And this is white in 16bit:

Color3.fromRGB(65535, 65535, 65535)

The first example is normal and can be written in a script.

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Thank you for your detailed answer! Hopefully, this thread will be helpful for anyone receiving errors such as

Upload failed. Make sure what you’re uploading is an image.

or the Internal Server Error. I converted my images back into an 8-bit format using photoshop and everything uploaded properly. Hoping that Roblox will implement some type of unsupported file type popup in the future so that it isn’t so confusing if someone were to unknowingly try to upload a 16-bit image.

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