Podium build(Feedback appreciated)

Hi there. This is a podium I made which you can use for your leaderboards and competitions. Before I release it as a free model, I would like some feedback on it to improve it.

Thank you in advance for all feedback!

Edit: I have decided to learn more about building before just randomly getting into it and not knowing a lot of stuff. I have seen all the feedback from the models and I think that I should probably learn some things first before getting into it. Thank you for all your help and hopefully I can be a successful developer one day.


Looks kinda plain, colors should be redone, try going for a bronze silver gold type of style.


I suggest you customize the podium itself a little more. Like for example
adding some kind of small detail that’d help it’s look and overall make it better to look at when ingame.


Well I mean, this is 3 blocks with 3D text on it. This would take me 1 minute to make. There is nearly nothing to judge and if you intend to post every single model you make-- please do not. This will cause cluster, furthermore it’d take not long to make 100 models if you’re making them as small and easy as this, I could make 100 models on this scale within a week. However, you asked for feedback so I’ll give. It’s quite ugly in colors and you should stick with something more professional and change the 3d text color to something than the color its blending in with.


I changed the colours slightly but may I know what are some decorations I can make?

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Looks almost cartoony, idk if that is the style you are going for, if you want a more realistic style make them shiny colors like gold silver and bronze, it looks too cartoony for my liking, but it would probably fit in a cartoony build just fine.

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Okay I changed the colours in the post above, do you think it’s better?

Also, I won’t post every single model I make on the forum don’t worry.

Maybe add medals instead of just first second and third.


No imo it looks worse haha. Sorry, also. if you’re going to make 100 models by next year then you should create models on a bigger scale


May I know how you would go about making one?

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I would most likely start with the medal design, then I would make the initial circle and then the ribbon, afterwards I would add any more detail to the medal, such as a picture on it.


I can’t say it looks so good, but i liked the shape of the word.

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The building is ok, at least it’s beautiful, but you could add some details to it, like lines and etc …

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They are nice but in my opinion they lack a lot of detail.


I’d say add some sort of thing for the person to stand on like a plate on the podium. Also maybe make the podiums rounder and have some sort of effect?
A “WINNERS” banner up above you be nice too.

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Would suggest you to use wedges and plugins to make this podium less blocky, also it is never necessary to make the podiums joining each other, for example, have a visit to FE2 to see how the podiums looks.(it’s in the lobby by the way)

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Looks kind of basic. I’d add more detail.

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