Police Database Creation

Hey everyone,

I just made something for fun… :smile:

Try It Here

Police Database System - Roblox



In the game You can search for players in game and check If they’re wanted or make them wanted
It’s not a game, It’s an creation

If you clicked on the “Add Warrant” button after 30 seconds they person you added Wanted won’t be wanted anymore

for the wanted system I used: os.time() and tables

If you think something need to be changed / added comment below

Thanks for reading.


It’s alright, it works. But it is weird to press E on a long blue part. Would be cool in a game concept though B)

well I’m a scripter not a builder so… yea I don’t know how to create a pc monitor :sweat_smile:

and What does B mean?

Oh, B) is a smiley face ahah
And also don’t worry about the monitor part, I know that this is just for feedback on scripting, and not building.

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Maybe add a Remove Warrant button…??

And add the Warrant Reason textbox…?

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It automatically removed after 30 seconds

Well It’s just Warrant… but It could be interesting thing to add. Thx :+1:

If this is a police database system, maybe add a:

Wanted For: Attempted Murder
Warrant: No
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Yeah I wanted to add this but I didn’t had time for it