Police equipment 90% done

Hello, i’ve made this police equipment for a guy and still need to do a taser and try to make a police vest. He likes it all so it’s all good. Feedback would be nice.
Thanks for reading!


Most the tools in that picture above look good except the guns they appear very blocky towards the top I suggest you try and copy a reference picture for guns in future so the design doesn’t turn out as blocky but that just me. The Pava/Pepper spray is good same with handcuffs, walky talky and baton is alright. One concern is why are the hancfuffs so small compared to the guns. Good job.

I can make the gun rounder that’s not a problem.I did make it like it was on the picture I found. And everything is in their original size I haven’t resized it all yet.

Btw everything was done in roblox studio

Are you converting these to mesh or union afterwards out of curiosity?

Yeah ill be exporting to files after im done. I do realise I need to export everything separately since it’ll be a mesh when imported from a file.

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