So lately, I posted a topic that includes a poll. After a while, I got a few reactions and I edited my topic. The poll reset, which I did not expect. I lost about 15 votes because of that and I do not dare to edit the topic again.
What I did was I added a sentence to the poll’s description, which did not affect its context. Apparently editing the poll’s markdown reset the poll itself.
As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to safely edit a topic that contains a poll without resetting the poll.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because I then dare to edit topics that include polls.
If you edit the markdown behind that poll, then it resets, but simply editing the post should not do so. Make sure you don’t touch the poll itself. But yes, a nice reminder would be nice because new users probably would be startled by this.
It feels a bit counterintuitive to me to reset the poll when its markdown is edited. All I did was adding a sentence the poll’s description.
It doesn’t matter if it’s just a character or a sentence. This is intended Discourse behaviour, since that’s considered a new poll. Nothing can happen about that, unfortunately. Next time just be cautious when editing polls 
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It kind of makes sense to reset it, since it can’t recognize how significant of a change it was. If you changed to poll to something entirely different, the people who voted for the previous one would still be shown under the changed options. This could lead to many misunderstandings.
I know it sucks, but it’s a safety feature I think would be worth keeping. I know there are some people out there who would almost definitely abuse this if it was removed. If an option on a poll you voted for suddenly got changed, your vote would suddenly be for something different.
The problem is that there is no indication or warning whatsoever. It makes sense, but a bit of information would be nice.