[POLL] What would you pick

Hello Developers

I have decided to remake my game cuz its not going that good and I have an Idea, or two
So, I might make a bedwars kind of game, but with changes and not as flashy and I want your opinion on stuff

When the round starts, should players be able to pick their “class”, like if you wanted to be a builder, you would have a trowel and a weapon or if you are an attacker, you would have a sword

Or I could make it so that everyone has the same tools

  • Classes
  • Everyone gets all the tools
  • Game sucks altogether
  • Other choice (comment below)

0 voters

Please put thought into voting, it would really help me


It depends if you are making a game like bedwars with a shop, or if you are making a game more like skywars where there is no shop and you gets items around the map and in chests.

If Skywars-like: Yes to Classes

If Bedwars-like: No/Less Op Classes, items can be put in shop

Me no understand :confused:

There is gonna be a shop, but its for avatar items

You pick the classes when the round starts, you dont find them around the map

I’m talking about hypixel skywars (Minecraft), how it has items around the map and classes, sorry for the confusion.

If there is not a shop to buy things like wool or weapons, yes to classes.

If there is a shop, less op classes or no classes at all is what I would choose.

I guess yes to classes then, thanks for clearing it up

I recommend waiting for other people’s responses and see their opinions, just because I recommend something doesn’t mean you have to do it. :slight_smile:

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class matchups are fun to experiment with

getting all weapons
way more room for strategies
way more room for glitches

imo having all tools is just better than limiting the player, give them as many possibilities to have fun as possible

make sure each tool is simplistic in nature though, each tool should only serve one purpose and serve it well

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Remaking an already popular game type is risky since you’ll be battling against a big game’s players.


I think you should put this in game design support

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Well, it wouldnt be exactly remaking, It will be more basic

Bedwars? Im not worried about that, its just something my group will have, because the games are really bad there

Builder: Trowel, Bomb

The trowel can build a wall while the bomb can kill people, but it can launch you too, would you say thats okay?

I’d say thats pretty okay
the player could do a sneak attack by placing a wall and then jumping with the bomb by

  1. place bomb behind wall
  2. get in front of the bomb
  3. sneak attack!
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I’d think about your avenues for this kind of system in the future. Design wise, what directions can you take it? If you do go this direction, where does the identity of the game go? Could you update/upgrade this system in the future? Does it overshadow balancing issues in the game (could it)?

An example of upgrading:

Players have a level that they get from working with their class in a match. Gaining access to abilities with their class (builder: bigger walls, maybe a sudden floor creation. fighter: ender pearl or something)

Or: players can find these tools already on the islands they spawn at and can adventure on the other islands to find chest with these items, however: on spawn they receive a set item of their ‘class’ and a unique passive that helps them. (builders: build/destroy blocks faster, fighter: move faster)

Personally I said other choice as I feel like the idea could be more hollowed out. Is your game going to be very simple or very complex. There are a lot of details that are being left out (for good reasons) that would aid in the process of giving a more concrete answer, but regardless: I hope this helps you out!

Im going to say simple, because I cant manage complex stuff

Well, I might make more classes in the future and maybe add some effects to bad classes, performance wise, but Im mostly going to add more avatar accessories for the shop

It certainly could, imagine giving the attacker a missile or something
Other times it wont,

Maybe when the game is older, I could revamp the lobby, because it doesnt really fit in
The map probably wont be changed, because its a pain in the — to build them, plus, I dont use a mouse to build, so yeah

i usually find that games with classes are more competetive while games where everyone gets the tools are less competetive and more just to have fun. its either balance or variety to choose from

I think that too, but there are many games that let people have the same tools, and I am trying to be unique, just a little