Poll: What's better, a part map or a terrain map

  • Terrain Map
  • Part Map

0 voters

Just wondering what you guys would prefer, to see what I should do for a game.

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That depends on what kind of game you want to create.


Yep. Totally true. A Terrain Map is better for landscapes and a part map is better for a railing game, for example.


I was thinking a rpg game…

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Part maps are better for performance reasons, and also terrain maps are bouncy?
robloxapp-20220630-1939164.wmv (9.5 MB)

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The map type is less a question of which is better, but which better suits the aesthetic you’re attempting to achieve; low poly assets would better suit a part map, whereas terrain would suit mid-high poly assets. Both have their advantages and disadvantages; but ultimately it’s based on the aesthetic.

Terrain maps are more performant for more complex geometry.

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