PollCreator - A poll module to get answers from your community

I have made this module, it is not close to done, but since it functions, I will release it.

Here is the model: https://www.roblox.com/library/4993742100/PollCreator


If you are testing this in studio, please make sure that studio access to API services is enabled.

Once you have inserted the model into studio, you may notice the model is screaming UNGROUP to you. Go ahead and ungroup the model. Then ungroup the rest of the models where they are supposed to. In the Settings ModuleScript, type your username in the admins table. After that, you are pretty much set up.

How to create poll

To create a poll, put a Script in ServerScriptService. The first line of code you need to put is

local server = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Main)

That requires the main module, which is what we need to use all of its functions. Now, you need to type server.Setup(). Once you have done that, you can create your poll. Here is a example of a poll:

local pollOptions = {"Yes","Yes"}
local Type = "Default"
local pollName = "will you give me money"

You can change the poll options and everything, but I haven’t finished making other types, so don’t change Type. Type will soon have options like “Text Response” or “Multiple Choice”. To close the poll, just remove the script that started the poll and remove the LocalScript in starter player scripts. To finish setting up the poll, add this line of code to the end of the LocalScript in starter player scripts.

client.SetQuestionFolder(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("PollCreatorFolder"):WaitForChild("Polls"):WaitForChild("pollname")) -- change pollname to your poll name

Getting polls responses

When you join the game, you should see a “Poll Answers” button at the bottom left of your screen. Click it. In the poll name TextBox, type the exact name of your poll and click Continue. If nothing shows, it is either a datastore issue, or no one has answered the poll.

Here is a example game where everyone has access to the admin panel. PollCreator - Roblox

Planned Updates
  • Creating more “Types”
  • Fixing the duplicate answer bug, where if two answers have the same name it will count for the same thing (but why would you do that?)
  • Using as a votekick module
  • Cross Server Polls
Finished Updates
  • Not letting a player vote for a poll more than once.

This looks good! I think people would definitely find use in this.

It could be nice to have full-game polls. So the poll would appear on every server.

It could be even integrated with Discord, which could be nice. You could start the poll on Discord and get results there.

Other than that! Nice module! :wink:

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Thanks! I guess I’ll add that stuff to planned updates.

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Awesome Item! Could definitely be added as a game rating system or be used as a way to make a server vote-kick system! I gaurantee you I’ll be using this in the future :smiley:.

Nice! Just another thing to add to planned updates.

This is so cool! People in my game always asked me stuff so having a poll would make things a lot better.