Poly's CommandBar - Admin Command System With Autofill and Bookmarks

Loader script (follow the directions below for installing):


  • :warning: Unlike other admin systems, this one can not update automatically because require() isn’t allowed to be used in free models. This also means that things like btools and the gear command had to be removed.
  • :warning:This admin system was NOT designed for mobile due to me being a bad UI designer and because of the limitations of Roblox on mobile. If being able to use admin commands on mobile is important to you, don’t use this. If you need to access the Commandbar while on mobile, you can use the /commandbar chat command.
  • :warning:This post is still being worked on. More documentation will come soon.
  • :warning:The ban command may have issues because the Ban API just released
  • :warning: I am not a UI designer which means that the UI may not look good on certain devices


Poly’s CommandBar is a PC-oriented admin command system that was designed around a GUI instead of the Roblox chat like most popular admin systems are. Because of this, it has features like

  • Autofilling commands with tab
  • Command Bookmarks (see below)
  • Keyboard shortcuts like the up arrow to use a previous command
  • Responses from the command
  • The chat isn’t cluttered with commands

Some other features it includes are

  • The new Ban API (this may be buggy)
  • Ability to make custom commands (Some of the modules are being reworked)
  • Ability to “install” commands using a model’s AssetId This had to be removed due to InsertService being banned for free models
  • Around 75-80ish commands
  • No pointless and obnoxious print statements/warnings that were left in the code when debugging. This also includes deprecation warnings (looking at you HD Admin)*

*Sadly, the only way to insert a free model is through require which means that you will get an annoying message in the console every time the server starts

Example of the autofill system

How to Install
  1. Take the model from here
  2. Open your toolbox in Roblox Studio and navigate to My Models
  3. Insert “Poly’s CommandBar” and put it in Workspace
  4. Play the game and press [ to toggle the GUI
  5. Once the GUI is open, press F to focus on the text box.
  6. Start using the commands to mess with your imaginary friends (you don’t have any friends because you’re a roblox developer)
How to add owners

Giving someone the owner rank allows them to use commands such as editdatastore, addadmin, and shutdownallservers. The creator of the game/group owner is automatically given the owner rank, however, you can add more by following these steps.

  1. Use the addadmin ExampleUsername command to make the player an admin
  2. Enter the Settings ModuleScript found inside of the Poly’s CommandBar folder
  3. Find the variable titled OwnersList. It should be near the top.
  4. Enter the new player’s UserId. If you don’t know their UserId, you can run this command in the console =game:GetService("Players"):GetUserIdFromNameAsync("ExampleUsername")

Bookmarks are a tool that can help you save time when using long commands

First, open the bookmarks tab by pressing CTRL/CMD + B

To save a bookmark, you must first choose which color you want to save to. The color names will be listed on the bookmark buttons by default, however, you can also type bookmark listcolors to see all available colors.

Once you have selected a color, use bookmark selectedcolor command. The command can be multiple words long, for example bookmark blue example command 123456 789.


Clicking the bookmark will put your command into the textbox. Because the event to send the command fires when the textbox loses focus, you can double click the bookmark button to immediately use the command.


Another feature of bookmarks is being able to use ..bookmarkcolor to autofill your bookmarked command.

Finally, you can completely delete your bookmarks by running the bookmark delete command


More questions will be added later

Why should I use this over something like HD Admin?
The short answer is that this system allows you to send commands faster and more easily. For example, using the explode command in HD Admin means you have to write “;explode all” in chat. This requires you to push 14 buttons on your keyboard (slash to enter the chat, enter to send the command). With this admin system, you only have to press 10 buttons on your keyboard to write the same command ([, F, “ex”, tab, space, a, tab, enter, [).

Why does this model have 150+ scripts?
Almost every command has its own script because it is easier to manage. Another 15 or so scripts are modules and “main” scripts. The rest are most likely localscripts found in GUIs and tools.

List of commands

You can find more information by using the info command.

Owner Commands

Normal Commands
ban/unban [player]
kill (player)
checkadmin (player)
shutdown < --instantly >
punish [player]
btools Had to be removed because it used require()
effect [EffectType] (player)
teleport/tp [player1] (player2)
speed (playername) [speed]
jump (player)
jumppower (player) [power]
smessage [message]
invisible (player)
morph (player) [player to morph to]
kick [player]
countdown [time or ‘clear’]
sword (player) < --ssp >
burger (player) < --ssp >
handto [player]
fling (player)
spin (player) < --ultrafast >
clone (player)
quadratic [ValueA] [ValueB] [ValueC]
calculate [Num1] [±*/] [Num2]
forcefield (player)
sit (player)
blockoflead (player) < --nokill >

piano (player) < --nokill >
ping (player)
explode (player)
health (player) [amount]
listadmins < --print >
randomnumber (num1 num2)
print [message]
bookmark [color/colors/delete] [command]
mute [player]
music [id or stop]
pitch [octave/amount]
position (player)
theme [color or listcolors]
chatlog [player]
firstperson (player)
thirdperson (player)
gear (player) [id] < --ssp > This had to be removed because of InsertService being banned for free models
car < --fast >
changetime [time]
fly (player)
highlight (player)
re (player)
removeaccessories (player)
createleaderstat [name] [type]
editleaderstat (player) [name] [newvalue]
getuserid (player) < --print >
changechatfont [font]
clearinventory (player)
fieldofview (player) [amount]
apparate (player) [studs]
boombox (player)
god (player)
gravitycoil (player)

yes, there is in fact a command that calculates the quadratic formula for you

Creating custom commands

Support for custom commands isn’t great right now. I will probably improve the documentation for this later
To start creating custom commands, navigate to the CustomCommands folder. An example script has been provided. Create a new command by duplicating the ExampleEvent event. In the attributes of the new event, change Alius1 to your new command name. If you want, you can also add two more aliuses, however, these will not show up in the autofill results.

Future Ideas

checkifbanned command
viewplayercamera command
possibly a manual command based off of man in linux


Building Tools (btools) command Removed in version 1
Fly Script
And probably a few others that I forgot about

Feel free to message me or reply to this post if you have any ideas, questions, or find a bug

(This CommandBar will have Super Cow Powers in a future update)

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Apparently Roblox automatically bans free models that use require() which means that this admin system will not work. If you know any workarounds to this, please let me know.

I pushed an update that should fix this. I had to remove a few existing commands and features for this to work though.

You should import the external module your trying to require, and put it inside of your system. Mark each of these modules with credit to the original owner if they haven’t put it themselves!

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