Very simple game is having constant framerate spikes. The performance stats display high CPU, but 0 GPU usage.
I haven’t tested with several games, but the one I noticed this on is very minimal.
The game link: hammerjam - Roblox
Screenshot of the stats:
Playing on OnePlus X.
I don’t play roblox on mobile often, so I noticed it only today.
November 12, 2017, 9:00pm
Do android phones usually use their GPU? I’ve recalled only seeing it use the CPU for a while.
Would be super odd not to. There are plenty of 3D heavy games for android and I’ve previously got Half-Life 2 to run on it.
November 15, 2017, 1:03am
The GPU timing reporting doesn’t work on Android atm so “0” is expected.
Alright, good to know. Are there any other ways to inspect what is going wrong? Because I remember having better performance when roblox on android was released, I’ve even forced it to render at higher resolution in past.