Poor android performance, 0ms GPU latency

Very simple game is having constant framerate spikes. The performance stats display high CPU, but 0 GPU usage.

I haven’t tested with several games, but the one I noticed this on is very minimal.

The game link: hammerjam - Roblox

Screenshot of the stats:

Playing on OnePlus X.

I don’t play roblox on mobile often, so I noticed it only today.

Do android phones usually use their GPU? I’ve recalled only seeing it use the CPU for a while.

Would be super odd not to. There are plenty of 3D heavy games for android and I’ve previously got Half-Life 2 to run on it.

The GPU timing reporting doesn’t work on Android atm so “0” is expected.

Alright, good to know. Are there any other ways to inspect what is going wrong? Because I remember having better performance when roblox on android was released, I’ve even forced it to render at higher resolution in past.