"Pop down" object - free script & demo game - RoboScratch devpost #1

Hello Guys,

I’m developing my new game (working title is ‘RoboScratch’, see devlog) and I planned to share some ideas and tricks/know-how from time-to-time with you.

The first one is an effect that will pop down a model from above by pieces in some seconds. I will implement it as a visual ‘appear’ effect in my game.

Try this mini demo and feel free to use its code! (I hope I set it properly, please let me know)

The relevant ‘popper’ modulescipt with its descendants can be found in StarterGui folder.

Just use ‘popper.pop(model, popToCFrame, popToParent)’ format as you find in the demo script.

The ‘demo’ screengui contains the demo runner code only, you don’t need it outside of this demo.

DISCLAIMER: I used 4 popular but scripted free models from Roblox Studio Toolbox in this demo. Be careful with free models - I used them to demo only, replace them with your own models in any game!

May you like this demo, please join to Apafey Studio Group and follow RoboScratch development news!
