Popsiz Parlor - Affiliation Documentation


Welcome to the Popsiz Parlor Affiliation Documentation. This Documentation includes all the crucial information in becoming an affiliate with the Popsiz Parlor community. If you wish to apply to be an affiliate with Popsiz, please continue reading this documentation.


  • Your group must have a minimum of 75 group members, discluding bots.

  • You must have a communications server must have a minimum of 10 members not counting any bots made by you or anyone else.

  • Your group must be some sort of business. For example any sort of cafe or Homestore.

  • You must send at least 1 member from your group to join our ROBLOX group and Communications server that will be representing your group.

  • Your group must have active and professional staff members (including the owner)

  • Your group must communicate with us regularly and host events with us.

If your group does not reach these requirements you still may apply but you will most likely be turned down. We do make some exceptions, especially in the discord server category.


If your group meets these requirements or is in a range of the required amount, please open a ticket in our communications server by going to the support channel and select the Affiliation Support Category! Once you have done so, please specify that you are applying for an alliance and include your group name. Once you have created a ticket, a member of the Public Relations department will claim your ticket and take you through the application process.

Terms and Conditions

If at any time the Popsiz Public Relations team deems anything suspicious or possibly harmful to our alliance, we have full rights to terminate the alliance between the groups. By applying you agree to the above terms. These terms could be changed throughout an alliance so check here regularly.

UsedSpxse, Popsiz Parlor Founder.