Popsiz Version 3: 5/22/2022 Update Log

New Features

:moneybag: Popsiz Central Bank: Over the past few weeks the Popsiz Construction Crew has been hard at work making a brand new Popsiz Central Bank. This new bank also introduces new ATMs, used to buy P$, the currency used in Popsiz Version 3, and customize rank colors. Keep an eye out for another update introducing an interior to Popsiz Central Bank.

:star: Popsiz Premium New Features: All new Popsiz Premium UIs have been introduced to the game! For Popsiz Premium users press P or the star icon at the top left of your screen. Premium users can now teleport around the map using the Ui or the commands listed on the Command Ui. Premium users also have access to fully customize their ranktag color for a cheap price! Finally, new premium exclusive drinks have been added, these range from Lemonade to Orange Juice!

Popsiz Central Bank ATMs: Mentioned earlier in this post were new ATMs. These ATMs can be found at the new Bank and some are scattered throughout the map. Not to be confused with the Code ATMs these are used to purchase P$ and preset rank colors.

Bug Fixes & Improvements (there’s a lot)

  • New Teleport Screens
  • SLT tablets
  • SLT office upgrades
  • Fixed barriers
  • Added recipe guide in-game
  • Fixed donation boards
  • Fixed Regions

Stay tuned for this year’s update! Leave us your thoughts about this update in our communications server. Report any bugs to the dedicated channel. Check out this new update in-game.

:clipboard: Credits to:

intorsetorpolice1: Updates Concepts and backend programming
UsedSpxse: Frontend Programming

UsedSpxse, Chairman
Popsiz Leadership and Development