Hi there,
In december, I launched a super popular avatar bundle that is currently one of the most popular on the platform, however immediately from its launch (possibly as a result of large traffic from my community + shaky servers?) there were a number of issues with the purchasing process.
For instance, there was a bug where users weren’t receiving the torso after purchasing, an issue which had to manually be fixed by a Roblox staff member, and resulted in me having to reupload a new version of the bundle in the meantime to appease my community. Bug solved in this post: UGC Bundle Purchasing not giving buyers the Torso / Publishing error?
Whilst this initial issue was ammended, after putting the new bundle on sale, my discord server, as well as group wall were constantly flooded by users asking " where do we find the bundle? " , “what bundle do we use?” , “what is the name of the bundle?”, questions I have even seen asked on random Youtube shorts comment sections, this confused me as the name of the bundle is fairly straight forward, and I would usually just redirect them to my game, and other users would ask them to search the bundles name to which they would reply “I can’t find it”.
This is when I decided to attempt to search for the bundle myself. Then I realised, the bundle almost entirely does not appear on the catalog, even when filtering through categories and searching the exact terms, despite its exceptional performance from an analaytics standpoint.
When searching the title of the bundle in the catalog with no filters, it quite literally does not show up AT ALL, despite it being one of the best selling bundles on the plaform, which is most likely coming from people seeking the bundle themselves from the profiles of others and purchasing through the allowed experiences.
When searching for the bundle using the characters filter it does show up, although it appears towards the very bottom despite its immense popularity, which makes zero sense and makes it seem the bundle is shadowbanned in a way, since some of the results above are less popular and the majority feature neither of the keywords from the title.
Here is the link to the bundle: Sonic Template - Roblox , searching the name with no filters garners no results, and searching for it in the characters filter it still shows up towards the very bottom despite its popularity, therefore I believe there is something flagging the bundle as lower priority/blacklisting it from search for some reason.
Thank you : )