Popular Sort not showing certain games

Reproduction Steps
Create a new account.
Login to the mobile app.
Go to the Discover page and scroll until you find the Popular Sort.
Examine the games on the Popular Sort.

Once you follow these steps, you might notice that the sort has a strange assortment of games, and is missing some of the most popular games on the platform. This is what I’ve experienced.

Expected Behavior
Normally when clicking on the Popular sort on the discover page, you would see a list of all the most popular games in your region, in order of which is the most popular, and regardless of how it is sorted - you will still see every game. At least this is how it was prior to the last couple of weeks.

Actual Behavior
What actually happens is a bit tricky to explain. The games are still very loosely in order of popularity, but a majority of games are completely missing including Brookhaven, and all of my games. I have scrolled down thousands of games and my games are nowhere to be found, not even amongst the congregate of games with 10 players despite my games having thousands on mobile alone.

Below are the first 2 pages of games I see on mobile:

I’ve tested the issue above on two different accounts on two different mobile devices. Both of the accounts are relatively new and are in the same geographical location. They both have the exact same Popular and Popular Worldwide Sort.

This is not necessarily a workaround, but while using the same two accounts, the issue does not occur on PC or on the Mobile Website.

I’ve only tested this issue on new test accounts that I’ve created within the last few months, I have not tested it on my main account.

Issue Area: Mobile App
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-03-07 12:03:00 (-05:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-03-10 00:03:00 (-05:00)


You might want to link some examples of affected experiences (e.g. the ones you own that are missing from the sorts).

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A lot of games are missing from the Popular and Popular Worldwide Sorts for me, as you can see in the newly updated post. These include Brookhaven, Adopt Me, Pet Simulator X, Bloxburg, Bee Swarm Sim, Murder Mystery, Anime Fighters, The Floor Is LAVA, etc. There’s way too many for me to list out, and this Popular page only started appearing in the last few weeks or so. The app is on the latest update.

I can’t repro it. The popular page from the Google Play app shows the game you listed on my S20 .

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