Port Maersk DT Information & Patches

Port Maersk DT Information & Patches

In-game commands

Owners of private servers and their admins are able to utilize the following commands to configure their round settings or start and stop the round:

Round commands

:official - This will start the round, raid timer and activate the terminals.
:unofficial - This will stop the round, raid timer and deactivate the terminals.
:changeraidtime NUMBER - This will set a custom number as the raid timer, in seconds.

  • :changeraidtime 2500 - This will set the raid timer to 2500 seconds.

:changetermtime NUMBER - This will adjust the current phase’s terminal time (the terminal must be in a captured state and the raid must be official)

  • :changetermtime 450 - This will set the terminal timer to 450 seconds.

:skipdocks - This will skip past phase 1 and move straight to reactor phase, automatically setting the midpoint spawns and activating reactor as a capture point.
:resetphase - This will reset a phase to the start of the phase, which sets the terminal times to 0.
:fullreset - This will issue a full reset to all terminals in the server, essentially creating a fresh round.

Miscellaneous commands

:day - This will change the time cycle to daytime.
:night - This will change the time cycle to nighttime.

Patch Notes

15th April 2020


Hitboxes added outside of various vent systems to prevent glitching into rooms.

22nd December 2019

Riot Trooper changes

Shield health regeneration per second increased from 24

5th December 2019

Riot Trooper changes

Shield health increased back to the original, 150250
Shield health regeneration per second decreased from 52

These changes are done to bring back the viability of using riot trooper in pushes, but not making it something that will be available to be viable in every push. (For example attempting to push side door, but by the time you get there each push, the riot trooper has fully regenerated each time. Looking to make it so they’ll only have about half by the time, so they’ll essentially be weaker in one life the more you push).

1st December 2019

Private servers now allow you to use the teamchange interface to join Defenders.

3rd November 2019

Halloween update disabled.

19th October 2019

Riot Trooper changes

  • Riot Shield health reduced from 250150

StA-19R and M4 Revolver [R] changes

  • Spread increased by 60%
  • Ammo reduced from 126
  • Damage increased by 2
3rd October 2019

Graphics Setting option provided to reduce Halloween fog
Halloween lighting CanCollide set to false

2nd October 2019

Halloween Theme applied to Maersk

1st October 2019

Reduced the base damage of Riot Trooper: 2018

16th September 2019

Riot Trooper Changes

Increased base damage by 6

  • Head damage to kill: 54
  • Body damage to kill 65
  • Limb damage to kill 86
  • Tripled spread of bullets, essentially limited it to close range only to compensate for the damage buff

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused tools to swap when unequipping the shield
  • Fixed a bug which caused health to not update to the GUI after respawning when the shield was damaged (it was still updating on the server)

14th September 2019

Introducing the latest addition to Maersk and our facilities… behold the Riot Trooper . The Riot Trooper is a shielded class at Maersk in which their shield is capable of stopping bullet damage, up to 250 health before breaking. When the shield is broken, you will have to wait until it has healed back up to full health before being deployed again, healing 5 health per second. This is about 50 seconds. Riot Troopers are equipped with the StA-19R and the medigun, which is the same as the 19, other than the fact that is held in one hand only. You are able to fire your weapon when your shield is deployed.

The class is designed to be a hard counter to Shocktrooper, with them being capable of leading the pushes and tanking shots, giving birth to a whole new strategy. This class is available for both raiders and defenders, and is limited to 1 per team. In order to use the riot shield, you will have to press V to equip/unequip it, and Z to raise or lower the shield.

6th September 2019

The host can now change between day/night. The default lighting is day and you can disable the sunrays at night by turning shaders off if you find that the moonlight is too bright.

31st August 2019

There are now E prompt interfaces when in range within any interactable object (doors, gate, coolant, class terminals etc.)

30th August 2019

Fixed a bug which caused you to lose part materials data when you died with materials/shaders turned off. Meaning you can now turn them back on again after dying.

29th August 2019

Fixed a bug which allowed non-server owners to see the admin configuration interface. It is now strictly only visible to the server owner.

28th August 2019

Round customization options now available, giving a variety of commands to change round settings.

27th August 2019

Class limits and names of players on a class are now displayed in the class menu.

25th August 2019

Performance improving update now available and live at all places.

  • You are now able to toggle on/off materials and shader settings. You’ll very likely experience FPS boosts with these turned off.

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