Portal Gun Game review

Yo so this is my main project rn : a portal gun game.

I need you to answer three questions for me :

  1. Are the graphics good ?
  2. Is it an original idea ? (i’ve seen no other portal gun games on Roblox)
  3. Where can I improve ?

No “how much time it took you”, no “Implement a stage system” (I already made one I just disabled it for the video) and certainly no “Bro what the hell are those portals” (cuz I’m lazy).

Only these three questions, thanks :D.

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there are definetly already portal gun games on Roblox like this one shown in the video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NUCTujWQiU

Graphics could also be improved with better textures and models, overall a good start :+1:

Yeah the game definitely beats my game no diff. Gotta try harder. Thanks for your reply tho, now I know what I’m going against !

the owner of the portal gun game made another one that have levels and is kinda similar to the original

The graphics are decent and it is kind of a original idea, I haven’t seen many portal gun games on roblox. The builds and effects can easily be improved. I especially don’t like the portal effects. I’d give it a 7/10.