PORTFOLIO EXPIRED - Check new portfolio!

This portfolio is no longer current. If you would like to view my updated portfolio, visit [OPEN FOR A LIMITED TIME] I do high quality GFXs for cheap! | galactictoes


can i contact you on devforum? i would looveee a free gfx, it’d be a epic gamer move.

:o Awesome, I’d love to have one!

I need one , discord - roman#7191

I’m interested in your work!
Discord username Rbxmega#3338

I am very impressed and would like you to make a GFX for us. Discord: Rogue#5773

I enjoy looking at your GFX, therefore I think you would be of great use. Although I am willing to pay you for the rush I am in. Please contact me delusively#9076.

Contact me at python#2856 (30chars)

I need one for a juice bar. bigRoux#0811

These are really good for less than a month of effort put in. Impressive :smiley:

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These gfx are quite impressive. Please contact me on discord BluethesavageXD#8866

Hey @galactictoes! Your GFX are nice. You can add a bit more overlays to them. For your 2nd render, it looks like the arm snapped. :joy:

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Thank you for the support! I will be reviewing your requests and will start working as soon as I can. Until further notice, I will close further requests until I’ve completed all current orders.

Hey! @galactictoes when would the art be done?

@2Bvild @vvitdraw @megapaul0917 @AwesomePenguin84 @kill4python @UhOhBigBrain @bluethesavageXD @blurryrabbits

Hello, and thank you for your interest in my work! Unfortunately, due to higher demands I will no longer be doing free commissions. However, my work is much more affordable than other artists on the platform and guarantees high-quality products every time. If you’d like to check out my updated portfolio, I suggest checking out: [OPEN FOR A LIMITED TIME] I do high quality GFXs for cheap! | galactictoes