Hi, I’m GregTame. you may know me from various VR works such as: Edgeworks, Cave Explorer, Skywinds, or maybe just some stuff on my twitter.
Speaking of Twitter, That’s pretty much what this is gonna be. I’ll embed one of my twitter posts and talk about the developer work that went into it and so on.
The work that went into this^
Here I use a lot of VR scripting and physics in order to both move and control the car.
Textures made in substance including the Aurora effect.
The work that went into this^
So in this post I used a lot of front end VR scripting, skinned meshes on the hands, zombie, and weapons. most of the map shown is PBR textured, and entirely made by me.
The work that went into this^
For this post I used 3D perlin noise to generate interesting and unique landscapes on the fly.
The work that went into this^
Here I used my knowledge of Roblox physics, VR coding, and network ownership to make a VR racing game. the city an infinitely generating city I coded, and the cars were modeled by me.
The work that went into this^
Here I show off some of my enviornmental modeling. It’s nothing too crazy to write home about, but does the job at being a decent quality background asset, using only about 500 tris per building, and 2 512x512 textures.
The work that went into this^
For this game I used a lot of my 3D modeling skills to create a diverse fleet of flying enemies, Several weapons, and a handful of original maps.
This game is fully released and is playable on any PCVR headset here: [VR Exclusive] Skywinds - Roblox
The work that went into this^
In this post I show off my physics based VR character, and handling physics operated weapons. while the exact level being shown off is still being worked on, you can play with the weapons here:
[VR EXCLUSIVE] Edgeworks Arena - Roblox
The work that went into this^
Cave Explorer 2 is another one of my VR exclusive games, it heavily uses Future Lighting, PBR textures, skinned meshes and motion captured animations.
The work that went into this^
Here i use a skinned mesh and a rotational PID controller to simulate liquid sloshing around in a spherical bottle.
The work that went into this^
Here I show off some PBR textures i made for some tanks models I created. for the sake of performance some parts of the tank got overlooked for PBR textureing, such as the tracks. but the rest of it got a nice shiny coat of camouflage.
The work that went into this^
And finally, the thing I’m proud of most, Edgeworks. It utilizes a VR physics character that’s able to interact with the world in a multitude of ways unique to VR.
you can play it here: [VR Exclusive] EdgeWorks - Roblox
keep in mind it’s VR only.