Portfolio ideas

Hello! I’m looking for some ideas to build up my portfolio for building. Its a bit complicated but I have experience however my work is very on and off, complicated, and all around in many games, etc, hard to explain. Anyways, I’m looking for ideas to make some builds to fill up my portfolio and I want you guys to help me and tell me some.

Thank you!!

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If you need stuff for your portfolio, make things everyone knows about, then fill your portfolio with that

  1. A plane
  2. Tree
  3. Coffee cup

Those are just some examples, but I hope this helped, if not, i will remove this


Good ideas, but wouldn’t the coffee cup require blender?

Here’s a cup that I just made just to prove it is super easy to learn
cup.obj (65.2 KB)


It depends what you are good at. I suggest putting things on your portfolio you’d prefer making or are more experience at

also try making complex things if you can so you can impress the client

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Maybe, you can ask a few forum members for requests and build the simple things they’ve asked, this way you’ll get ideas very fast and you’ll get real people reviews as well. :smiley:

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Thats pretty cool but I have absolutely zero experience with blender. I have experience with building but not modeling. You did say its easy to learn. Can you help me out with it a little?

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Certainly, What kind of help do you want, Like some helpful videos or something else?

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that would certainly help. Also do you have discord so I can reach out to you?

I haven’t used discord in a while, thought I can add you in Roblox if that would still help

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Sure thing! I sent a request. :grinning:

Hello, I think making a portfolio is sometimes hard if you have work on a lot of sides, but I can give you some ideas, I am not a modeler but I think this is some basic level.

  1. Just check out videos, tutorials or other people portfolios to get idea.
  2. If you can, you can make some small website just for your portfolio and put all your work there.(If you can)
  3. Just make your profile organized, make a game and put all your best models at one place.
  4. Make a YouTube channel, there you can post some of your models there(this mostly scripters/programmers do because of scripts and actions at code.
    I think these are some of more basic type of making portfolio, you can figure out on your own the best way for you. Hope this helps!