[Portfolio] My skills

Hello there!

Im TaypeX and I like developing.

I started in 2020 and am still improving my skills. I can do a lot of stuff, but my main skills are scripting and lighting.


Lighting examples

Scripting examples

local uimod = {}
local OS = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("OS")
local util = OS.Parent:WaitForChild("Util")
local plrui = OS.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
local starterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local extensions = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("FileSystem"):WaitForChild("Extensions"))

function uimod.applyTheme()
	local main = plrui:WaitForChild("BloxOS_Interface")
	local desktop = main:WaitForChild("Desktop")
	local theme = OS:WaitForChild("Theme")
	local primary = theme.PrimaryColor.Value
	local secondary = theme.SecondaryColor.Value
	local detail = theme.DetailColor.Value
	desktop.Bar.BackgroundColor3 = primary
	desktop.Bar.BackgroundTransparency = theme.BarTransparency.Value
	desktop.Wallpaper.Image = theme.Wallpaper.Value
	--// Applying theme for icons
	for i,icon in pairs(desktop.Bar:GetChildren()) do
		if not icon:IsA("TextButton") then continue end
		icon.Bar.BackgroundColor3 = detail
		icon.Highlight.ImageColor3 = secondary
	util.BarIcon.Bar.BackgroundColor3 = detail
	util.BarIcon.Highlight.ImageColor3 = secondary
	for i,icon in pairs(desktop.FileSpace:GetChildren()) do
		if not icon:IsA("TextButton") then continue end
		icon.BackgroundColor3 = secondary
		icon.UIStroke.Color = detail
	util.DesktopIcon.BackgroundColor3 = secondary
	util.DesktopIcon.UIStroke.Color = detail
	return main

function uimod.init()
	--// Initializing OS theme
	local theme = Instance.new("Folder")
	theme.Name = "Theme"
	theme.Parent = OS

	local primaryColor = Instance.new("Color3Value")
	primaryColor.Name = "PrimaryColor"
	primaryColor.Value = Color3.fromRGB(37, 37, 37)
	primaryColor.Parent = theme

	local secondaryColor = Instance.new("Color3Value")
	secondaryColor.Name = "SecondaryColor"
	secondaryColor.Value = Color3.fromRGB(255, 26, 167)
	secondaryColor.Parent = theme

	local detailColor = Instance.new("Color3Value")
	detailColor.Name = "DetailColor"
	detailColor.Value = Color3.fromRGB(255, 149, 250)
	detailColor.Parent = theme

	local wallpaper = Instance.new("StringValue")
	wallpaper.Name = "Wallpaper"
	wallpaper.Value = "rbxassetid://2610833875"
	wallpaper.Parent = theme
	local barTransparency = Instance.new("NumberValue")
	barTransparency.Name = "BarTransparency"
	barTransparency.Value = 0.3
	barTransparency.Parent = theme
	--// Initializing main UI
	local main = util:WaitForChild("BloxOS_Interface"):Clone()
	main.Parent = plrui
	return uimod.applyTheme()

function uimod.setVisible(state)
	assert(type(state)=="boolean","Provided state parameter is not a boolean.")
	local main = plrui:WaitForChild("BloxOS_Interface")
	main.Enabled = state
	starterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All,not state)

function uimod.addDesktopIcon(file)
	--// Asserting
	assert(file,"No file was provided.")
	assert(type(file)=="userdata","Provided file is not an instance.")
	assert(file:IsDescendantOf(OS),"Provided instance is not a file.")
	--// Adding new icon
	local desktop = plrui:WaitForChild("BloxOS_Interface"):WaitForChild("Desktop")
	local icon = util.DesktopIcon:Clone()
	local extension = file:GetAttribute("Extension")
	local image = extensions[extension].Image
	icon.Label.Text = file.Name.."."..extension
	--// Setting custom icon image
	if not image then
		if extension == "img" then image = file.Value
		elseif extension == "app" then
			local app = require(OS.Parent:WaitForChild("Apps"):FindFirstChild(file.Name))
			image = app.Image
	icon.Parent = desktop.FileSpace
	return icon

return uimod
local fileSystem = {}
local consts = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Constants"))
local OS = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("OS")
local extensions = require(script:WaitForChild("Extensions"))
local apps = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Apps")
local uimod = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("UI"))

function fileSystem.checkUsedDiskSpace(disk)
	--// Asserting
	assert(disk,"No disk was provided")
	assert(type(disk)=="userdata","Provided disk value is not an instance.")
	assert(disk.Parent==OS:WaitForChild("Storage"),"Provided instance is not a disk.")
	assert(disk:IsA("IntValue"),"Provided instance is not a disk.")
	--// Checking
	local used = #disk:GetDescendants()
	return used

function fileSystem.newFile(name,extension,parent,value)
	--// Asserting
	assert(name,"No file name was provided.")
	assert(type(name)=="string","Provided file name is not a string.")
	assert(name:len()>=consts.Min_filename_length,"Provided file name is too short. Minimum is "..consts.Min_filename_length..".")
	assert(name:len()<=consts.Max_filename_length,"Provided file name is too long. Maximum is "..consts.Max_filename_length..".")
	for i,char in pairs(name:split("")) do -- Checking for forbidden characters in filename
		for i,forbidden_char in pairs(consts.Forbidden_filename_chars) do
			assert(char~=forbidden_char,"File name cannot contain '"..forbidden_char.."'.")
	assert(extension,"No extension was provided.")
	assert(type(name)=="string","Provided extension is not a string.")
	local extensionInfo = extensions[extension]
	assert(extensionInfo,"Extension '."..extension.."' doesn't exist.")
	if extension == "app" then
		assert(value,"No app name was provided.")
		assert(apps:FindFirstChild(value),"Provided app not found.")
	assert(parent,"No parent object was provided.")
	assert(type(parent)=="userdata","Provided parent value is not an instance.")
	assert(parent:IsDescendantOf(OS),"Provided parent instance is not a descendant of OS.")
	local disk = parent:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("IntValue") or parent -- Checking for enough space on the disk
	assert(fileSystem.checkUsedDiskSpace(disk)<disk.Value,"Not enough space on the disk '"..disk.Name.."' to create a file.")
	--// Creating new file
	local file
	if extensionInfo.Inst then
		--Creating basic file
		file = Instance.new(extensionInfo.Inst,parent)
		if value then file.Value = value end
		-- Creating application
		file = Instance.new("ObjectValue",parent)
		file.Value = apps:FindFirstChild(value)
	file.Name = name
	return file

function fileSystem.delete(file)
	--// Asserting
	assert(file,"No file was provided.")
	assert(type(file)=="userdata","Provided file is not an instance.")
	assert(file:IsDescendantOf(OS),"Provided instance is not a file.")
	--// Deleting
	local ui = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("BloxOS_Interface").Desktop.FileSpace
	local icon = ui:FindFirstChild(file.Name)
	return true

return fileSystem

Showcases examples

Iā€™m always free to talk, you can message/mail me on roblox. Mostly looking for commissions/short term work!

My prices start at 1k R$ for small tasks.

Roblox profile:
SB_TaypeX - Roblox