Portfolio Price Filter

This would need some structural way of storing the price to be able to search for them since right now there is no specific format. People just put it in their posts in different places.


Let’s say I set my price filter to 500 ROBUX, if for example SpongeBob the builder was doing commissions for projects between 300-1000 ROBUX, his would appear as my price filter is in his range.

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That’s why I’m requesting the feature.

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No point in doing so when the talent hub will be coming out soon. March is the end of Q1, starting April will be Q2, so within April-June it will likely be out.

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But my point is it’s not possible to implement, since so many people would leave the field blank. Also, like @sjr04 said, not much maintenance will be done in this category with the Talent Hub coming soon. If it’s not deleted immediately, it’ll become like lounge, a deprecated place with no use.


I don’t follow ROBLOX Forum updates so I can’t comment on the Talent Hub thing, but assuming Portfolios remain relevant, I wouldn’t say it’s impossible to implement. Tags exist currently, and a lot of people put effort into their portfolios, it probably would be as simple as clicking a few buttons.

Roblox shouldn’t be putting resources into something that will either be completely removed or deprecated by the time the Talent Hub comes out. I want resources being put into making the Talent Hub the best it can be, not adding plugins for something that will most likely be useless in a couple months.

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I doubt that it will be deprecated-we don’t know what it’s like. It may be spammy and scammy. I for one would prefer to be on the devforum where it will be easier to view quality and the like.

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Tags already exist, all that needs to happen is for someone to duplicate that and change it’s labels. That’s it. (Obviously I’m oversimplifying it but legit, that’s effectively all it is.)

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Once again, it’s not needed. We should wait for the Talent Hub.

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Again, we don’t know what this Hub will look like so I highly doubt Portfolios would become completely irrelevant. According to the page it would be a place where you can post portfolios as well.

I think you misinterpreted the announcement, it will likely let you write them on the talent hub itself, not necessarily linking to your devforum one. I imagine once this is out they’ll give a few weeks or so for everyone to preserve their portfolios to transfer them over to the hub, or it might even be automated. Who knows.

I think it’s hard to tell yet what their going to do so we can’t say for sure.

So we wait. Not worth the engineering efforts when they’re gonna end up removing it in < 3 months anyway. If you take into account the context of the sentence in the announcement, they are surely going to allow us to write them on the hub itself after all.

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Again, I’m not a ROBLOX Forum designer so I don’t really know, but the system already exists (tags), so I can’t imagine it being a lot of effort to do something like the tag system but for price ranges but then again I am oversimplifying it probably but it seems it shouldn’t be too difficult given tags exist.

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The people who want people to see their prices already have them somewhere in their post, thus it should come up when you search that price. Unless you forced this on users, I don’t see it’s use as people are already using titles to display price. Forcing it on people would be awful, though, as not everybody is making a portfolio to be hired, or they don’t have set prices.

And also

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90% of people who make a portfolio are looking to be hired. I don’t get why this is seen as “forced”. Nothing is forced, you can choose if you want to set a price range or not. But 90% of them already set a price range in the description itself, so this would help with discoverability (as I can instantly filter out all of the prices out of my range, thus making small developers more discoverable) while saving time from having to sort through every portfolio that is out of my budget.

The announcement says that the Talent Hub will have a section for Portfolios. While it’s not clear what it means by this, this means that Portfolios potentially may remain relevant.

My point was most do put a price in their post. Not doing so is just silly as it lowers the chance of being hired if a customer doesn’t know what your charging, especially for newer and small developers (although it will depend on the circumstances).

I don’t think it was ever clarified what it meant by Portfolios unless there’s a source I’m not aware of.

I’m confused.

What does this mean?

OP wants to be able to sort portfolios by the price ranges offered, but at the end this isn’t necessary, and will just be a waste of time since the talent hub is scheduled for Q2.