So far I could only view Giant’s return since the others were privatized,paid access, or I didn’t meet the necessary requirements to view it.
Is there any videos or any possible chance you could republish the place so I can fully validate your skill? Other then that your portfolio looks promising.
This is a poor portfolio. You listed languages you ‘know’, but are not experienced in (fluent). You linked roblox games, half of which are basic and half are unavailable. You listed no examples of the languages you claim to know. Portfolio needs a re-do with better fronts.
I do feel a lot of stuff can be taken the wrong way, as mentioned above, e.g. wrong references “I work at roblox” instead of “I script on roblox”, also there is zero information on any projects, screenshots, gifs etcetera, you could have included references, people to contact. Lastly, there’s a difference between “knowing” and knowing. You either know how it works and how you use it, or you know it exists but that is about it.
As someone who follows courses in college to become a professional coder; I can say with experience that even within the duration of my course it’s next to impossible to master those languages, let alone when you’re done with school. A person can only utilize so much information. Almost makes me think you are buffing up your portfolio.
EDIT: HML even when corrected to HTML is not considered a language, furthermore you may wish to limit your knowledge to relevant languages, and ones you are confident about you can utilize. It would be a bit of a shame to be questioned about a language and realizing your knowledge on it is poor, if you fix this to reflect what you are good in, this will help both sides; you and the client.
I, as well “know” multiple languages, you just have to figure out the fundamentals, and how to run the sequences using the correct commands. You also have to be organized. I encourage you all to try scripting. Also, please do not just specify the languages you know as your portfolio presentation. Can you also specify your price range for an entire game? I also see no proof that you worked for “Rain Entertainment”. Please work on these various problems I’m pointing out to you, and thanks for your time.
OpenGl isn’t a language and same with some others. Plus you shouldn’t just list all the languages that you sort of know, only ones that you are truly fluent in.