Porting a Old roblox place file across to modern roblox

Around a year ago, I was experimenting with old roblox’s place files, which would
NOT open on modern roblox.
I think this test was successful. Although I need to test this more, hence the old terrain did not port through to Modern roblox.

You can a wider look at it here

Edit: 06/02/2021 @ 8:34PM UTC +3:00 / UTC + 2:00
I added an additional picture to what happens if you open a place file with old roblox terrain in 2021 version of studio


Looks like roblox discontinued old terrain back in 2017
The solution is to port that place to the 2017 version of Roblox Studio, then to port to the latest version of Roblox Studio

IMPORTANT: Make a copy of that place. Once you save it in the new version of Roblox Studio, YOU CANNOT REOPEN ON OLDER VERSIONS OF ROBLOX STUDIO


I’ll give a crack at it. I do have a studio from 2017 on my PC somewhere.