Porting image assets across games?

I have a test server for my game where I have uploaded many images for different imagelabels, if I make a copy of the game for the final server how can I copy the images over and have them automatically assign to the original imagelabels.

If you’re using the ID of the image, and not game assets, you should be able to just copy paste.


In case you were wondering what he/she means, the one that works across games should look something like this


however, if your one looks like this


then what you need to do is go onto roblox, go to create, decals, find the images you are looking for, click on them, and then copy and paste the number into the texture/decal id on studio.

This should automatically transform them to the rbxassetid, which can be used across games


In general, it’s good practice to use asset IDs instead of the rbxgameasset:// format as not only can game asset URLs not be copied across games, the URLs will also break if someone changes the name of the asset in the game explorer.

It’s a really stupid system, Roblox should have implemented it better. It seems helpful on the surface, but the technical issues can bite.

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so something like http://www.robloxcom/asset/?id=numberexample would be better?

if so, I will edit my original reply to show this as well

No what you said was fine, I was just adding to what you said. I personally prefer rbxassetid:// cause it’s shorter to type.

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