"Pose alive count underflow" error logged too often

Reproduction Steps
Issue occurred while playing Vesteria:


Reproducibility varies. Playing for a lengthy amount of time will probably do it.

Expected Behavior
The process writes a reasonable number of errors to the log file.

Actual Behavior
The process synchronously writes tens of thousands of Pose alive count underflow errors to the log file, creating huge lag spikes, and resulting in log file sizes of hundreds of megabytes.

Issue Area:
Issue Type: Performance
Page URL: There is no webpage. This issue affects the engine.
Impact: Low
Frequency: Sometimes
Date First Experienced: 2021-07-21 00:07:00 (+00:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-07-21 00:07:00 (+00:00)


Thank you for reporting. This logging should be turned off now (restart may be required).


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