Position and Pivot data lost in 3D Importer when "Merge Meshes" selected

When selecting “Merge Meshes” in the 3D Importer while also having “Insert Into Scene Position” and “Set Pivot To Scene Origin” selected, the position and pivot data appear to be lost.

This only happens if “Merge Meshes” is selected, otherwise it works as intended.

This issue has been occurring since early 2023.


This issue will occur 100 percent of the time when “Merge Meshes” is selected.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.

Hello! Thanks again for the report. We’re actively working to solve this issue now, and you should notice a fix in the next couple weeks. I’ll update here again when it’s rolled out.

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We’ve just turned on the fix for this bug. Please let us know if the issue continues happening or you come across any other bugs. Thanks!