Position changing script not working

I have this script inside of a part in the workspace:

a = script.Parent

a.CFrame.Position.Y = 10

but when I run it it returns “Y cannot be assigned to”
What do I do to fix this?


What do you get when you print

Gotta do .Position = CFrame.new(originalx, 10, originalz)

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a = script.Parent

a.CFrame.Position = Vector3.new(0,10,0)

This returns “Position cannot be assigned to”
My new code is

a = script.Parent

a.CFrame.Position = CFrame.new(a.Position.X, 10, a.Position.Z)
a = script.Parent

a.CFrame.Position = Vector3.new(0,10,0)

a.CFrame.Position.Y = 10 cannot be assigned because it supposed to be read-only thing

Supposed to be vector3 mbbbbbbb

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I ran this and it says that Position cannot be assigned to.

Fixed it, had to change CFrame.Position to just Position.

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I didnt realized there was CFrame in the code sorry

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