I would like my player characters to be able to line up behind one another, based on their index in my queue table.
My current code is:
local frontOfQueuePart = workspace.Part1
local spacing = 2
local queue = {}
for i,player in ipairs(queue) do
local pos = frontOfQueuePart.Position + Vector3.new(0, 0, 1) * spacing * (i-1)
player.Character.Humanoid:MoveTo(pos, frontOfQueuePart)
The problem with this code is that my front of queue part has an Orientation of (0, -45, 0). This means that adding to only the Z axis causes this diagonal line as seen below.
How can I make my characters line up in a straight line (directly behind one another) relative to the original CFrame of the part at the front of the queue?
You need to use the actual direction you want the queue to extend in, like taking the -LookVector of some part that represents both the position and orientation of the first avatar in the line. Using Vector3.new(0,0,1) will make the queue always extend in the +Z world-space direction, not relative to something in the scene.
local pos = frontOfQueuePart.Position - frontOfQueuePart.CFrame.LookVector * spacing * (i-1)
And notice that rotating the frontOfQueuePart lets you rotate the queue however you want.
You can use the CFrame’s LookVector to create an offset relative to where it’s pointing.
For example, to place a objectA 1 stud away from the direction objectB is looking, regardless of its orientation, you can take the LookVector of objectB and add it to its position.
local objectA = SomePart
local objectB = SomePart
local distance = 1
-- Sets objectA `distance` studs away from objectB relative to where its looking
objectA.Position = objectB.Position + objectB.CFrame.LookVector * distance