Position is not a valid member of Model "Workspace.Dropper"

I think you might be getting a bit confused. PrimaryPart is a descendant of a model. Let me show you an example:
In my model, I have set a PrimaryPart through the Properties tab of the model:
A PrimaryPart is basically the main part of a model.
I suggest reading the article / API document I sent earlier.


and the model still isnt moving?

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Hey my explanation wasn’t that horrible, it was close enough

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You said it was the parent of all the parts in a model…
Words can’t really describe how wrong that is. Hopefully you understand what it is now.

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Your code worked. The model is moving.

if everything’s functional then youre welcome to mark it as the solution

I don’t have it set PrimaryPart but it worked. I think PrimaryPart is only important on large models, small models are not a problem. I understand now thank you. I will read the article.

You don’t need PrimaryPart for the Pivot methods.

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