local speed = 1
local car = game.Workspace.Car
-- Check if the Car object exists and has a PrimaryPart
if car and car.PrimaryPart then
while true do
car:MoveTo(car.PrimaryPart.Position + Vector3.new(speed, 0, 0))
print("Moved car model to:", car.PrimaryPart.Position)
warn("Car object or PrimaryPart not found.")
The first 19 times it moves, it is fine.
After the part moves 19 times, it gives me the error
Workspace.Car.Script:7: attempt to index nil with 'Position' - Server - Script:7
No the warning should never run, you have a while true do before it with no break; if it ever enters that while loop it will never run any more code in the same thread.
You have to nest the if statement in the loop in order for it to update each time you try to move the car:
local speed = 1
local car = game.Workspace.Car
-- Check if the Car object exists and has a PrimaryPart
while true do
if car and car.PrimaryPart then
car:MoveTo(car.PrimaryPart.Position + Vector3.new(speed, 0, 0))
print("Moved car model to:", car.PrimaryPart.Position)
warn("Car object or PrimaryPart not found.")
I found out the issue, I made the primaryPart unanchored so it slowly fell out the map, so I had to anchor it and move the if statement, and it works! Thanks though