Position of character moves down but isn't moving on screen

I’m working on a skiing system and for that I’m attaching the player to a sphere and then moving the sphere instead of the player. It works quite well except when I try to unequip the skiis, then the character just shoots up.

I’m attaching the character to the ball simply by setting its position to the ball’s position on frame rendered.

local function positionCharacter()	
	--check if the speed is almost 0
	if ball.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude > 0.2 then
		-- position the character to the ball and look in the direction the ball is moving
		local rotation = (CFrame.lookAt(Vector3.new(prevPos.X,0,prevPos.Z), Vector3.new(ball.Position.X,0,ball.Position.Z))-Vector3.new(prevPos.X,0,prevPos.Z))

		char:PivotTo(CFrame.new(ball.Position + CHARACTER_OFFSET) * rotation)

		prevRotation = rotation
		--position the character to the ball with previous rotation
		char:PivotTo(CFrame.new(ball.Position + CHARACTER_OFFSET) * prevRotation)
	prevPos = ball.Position

game["Run Service"]:BindToRenderStep("control", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value-1, function()
		local input = mainModule.getInput()

		--set the velocity of the player based on player input and camera rotation
		baseFriction.VectorVelocity = camera.CFrame:Inverse():VectorToObjectSpace(input * input.Magnitude * CHARACTER_SPEED)
		--set the character position

		--add friction
		mainModule.applyFriction(ball, baseFriction, FRICTION_MULTIPLIER, FRICTION, directionalFriction, DIRCETIONAL_FRICTION, MAX_DIRECTIONAL_FRICTION)

		--do certain actions if player is fast and when not

And while on screen it looks like it’s supposed to, in it’s properties it shows the character moving down.

Keep in mind that while the skiis are equipped the character is in a collision group where it can’t collide with anything. And when they are unequipped the collision group is set to the default.
I’ve tried just sending the current position of the player to the server in a loop, but that didn’t fix it.

I’m happy to receive any feedback!

Are you anchoring the HRP when the skis are equipped? If not maybe you could anchor it prior to removal of skis and ball. Also I did need to add an adjustment to my character in the Y position when moving them as I had a similar issue so for R6 characters I would move them to the target position + Vector(0, 5, 0).

Do you mean anchoring while the skis are equipped or just while unequipping? Also, I’m already using an adjustment.

I was suggesting just anchoring when removing the skis and the ball then removing the anchoring once they are gone. Figured it might stop whatever physics is causing the issue.