Position of the background different in game and in studio

The position of my background is moving. All of the positions and sizes are in scale and the anchor point for all of them is set to (0.5,0.5). (The arrow is not moving, its the grey background that’s moving.)

Any and all help is appreciated!

Picture of it in studio

Picture of it in game

Do you have any scripts affecting the position of the arrow? If so, please provide them.

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I assume you are talking about GUIs? It’s better to give us too much information rather than not enough…
Are your screen sizes different for Studio and for in-game?
If so you need to make your UDim2 values compensate for different screen sizes for all users.

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There are no scripts that run on the game startup that change the position of the arrow or background.

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I have compensated by using scale so it would go by the size of the screen instead of by a set amount of pixels.

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Ok so I don’t know what fixed it, but I re uploaded all the images and it worked. Thanks for the help though!

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