Position offset help

I’m making a 2d collision module and got almost everything working, except for the hitbox offset.

I’m using this function to calculate the hitbox:

function CollisionService:GetEllipseVertices(Ellipse)
	local Vertices = {}
	local Position = Ellipse.AbsolutePosition
	local Size = Ellipse.AbsoluteSize
	local Rotation = Ellipse.AbsoluteRotation
	local Center = Position + Vector2.new(0, Size.Y) + GuiService:GetGuiInset()
	local InnerHitbox = false
	for angle = 0, math.pi/2, math.pi/16 do
		local X = Size.X * -math.cos(angle)
		local Y = Size.Y * -math.sin(angle)
		local RotatedX = X * math.cos(Rotation) - Y * math.sin(Rotation)
		local RotatedY = X * math.sin(Rotation) + Y * math.cos(Rotation)
		local Vertex = (Center + Vector2.new(-RotatedX, RotatedY))
		if not InnerHitbox then
			InnerHitbox = true
			Make(Vertex + Vector2.new(RotatedX, -RotatedY), Ellipse.Parent)
			table.insert(Vertices, Vertex + Vector2.new(RotatedX, -RotatedY))
		Make(Vertex, Ellipse.Parent)

		table.insert(Vertices, Vertex)
	return Vertices

That’s how the hitbox look like:

The hitbox position is only being offsetted when the object is rotated. Any help is appreciatted