I’m currently setting the cframe of the first player’s root (player standing ontop) to the cframe of the second player’s root but I’m not sure how to go on about making the player stand upright and ontop of the other player whilst facing the second player
My only issue is that sometimes the second player is looking towards the ground (basically face down) and im not sure how to detect it and flip them over
Just do some CFraming (most logical way i think).
Otherplayer.Root.CFrame = player.Root.CFrame * CFrame.Angles.(90,0,0), This is just an example but its like how you would do it. You could try and use lookvector to make sure the player is always looking upwards idk how you would figure that out tho.
If you use welds you can accomplish the same position every time. There will be some bugs though depending on how you do this so be sure to do some research on welding first.
An example of welding would be;
Weld.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(90,0,0) -- origin of the weld which would be the attackers root or torso or whatev