Positional in-world comments

I often leave notes around my builds when I want to return to something later. For this purpose, I’ve grown to start using SurfaceGui and TextLabel instances.

It would make my life much more convenient if there was a proper feature that implemented this with a much more streamlined workflow, perhaps similar to Figma comments. Beyond leaving notes for myself, I can see it being a very useful feature for Team Create, where it could help collaborators review and work together.


Hi @Elttob we’re currently working on this feature, targeting release later in the year :slight_smile:


You could probably code this yourself as a plugin, but native implementation would be much better IMO

Wonderful to hear!

In the meantime;

I quickly knocked out an implementation for myself. It was fun!


Are you planning to release this as part of Elttob Suite? I bet a lot of people would like this, especially w/ convenient integration with third-party task management tools like Todoist. Dropping a task in the Workspace that syncs to my Todoist board would be amazing. If only Studio supported custom deep-linking parameters too. :weary:


I would probably wait and see what Roblox does first before releasing anything. It’d be bad to build something that’s incompatible!

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Worth noting that stravant’s DevComment does this too

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