How do I make a part spawn at a random position on the baseplate? Kind of like a coin spawner. Thanks
You can utilize math.random
to create a set of coordinates that the parts will be placed at. Here’s a basic example:
local function placeParts(numberOfParts)
for count = 1, numberOfParts do -- This will loop through the code for the "numberOfParts" (e.g., sending 5 through means this will be looped through 5 times)
local randomX = math.random(0, 100) -- Allows the part to spawn in an X coordinate between 0 and 100
local randomY = math.random(5, 10) -- Allows the part to spawn in a Y coordinate between 5 and 10
local randomZ = math.random(-100, 100) -- Allows the part to spawn in an Z coordinate between -100 and 100
local newPart ="Part")
newPart.Name = ("Part #"..count)
newPart.Anchored = true
newPart.Position =, randomY, randomZ) -- Places the part in a random position from the math.random values which were generated
newPart.BrickColor =, randomY, randomZ)
newPart.Parent = workspace
warn(newPart.Name.."'s coordinates are "..tostring(newPart.Position))
placeParts(5) -- This will call the function and create that many parts
I never tried this, but
You can make a variable and do
local random = math.random(1,10)
and then do a if statement to check if random == 1 then do cframe =
if random == 1 then
script.Parent.CFrame =
and add elseif statements to see if its a different number
My baseplate position is {197.78, -2.23, 205.857} so do I do it like this?
local randomX = math.random(-197.78, 197.78)
local randomY = math.random(5, 10)
local randomZ = math.random(-205.857, 205.857)
Server or Client script
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local item = replicatedStorage.Part -- Put whereever the coin is in here
local baseplate = workspace.Baseplate --Put whatever is the baseplate in here
local rnd = math.random
function DropItems(amount, height)
local baseplatePos = baseplate.Position -- positrion of the baseplate
local baseplateSizeX = baseplate.Size.X / 2 --offset
local baseplateSizeZ = baseplate.Size.Z / 2 --offset
local baseplateSizeY = baseplate.Size.Y / 2 --offset
for i = 1,amount do
local newCoin = item:Clone()
newCoin.Parent = workspace -- put whereever you want to the coin to go in here.
local baseplateFinalPosX = baseplatePos.X + (rnd(-baseplateSizeX,baseplateSizeX)) --position on x coord
local baseplateFinalPosY = baseplatePos.Y + height + (newCoin.Size.Y / 2) -- positon on y coord
local baseplateFinalPosZ = baseplatePos.Z + (rnd(-baseplateSizeX,baseplateSizeZ)) --position on z coord
local generateRndPos =,baseplateFinalPosY,baseplateFinalPosZ) --makes pos
newCoin.Position = generateRndPos --applies
--Replace this with whatever you will use to call the funation
-- The first num(25) is how many to spawn
-- The second is the height off the ground to spawn them
You can use this function to place a part at a random position on a baseplate. You will probably need to edit it to change where you get the stored coin from, and where the new coin goes. This function will allow you to pick the height and number of items spawned. 0 height will mean that there is 0 studs from the bottom of the item to the baseplate. Keep in mind this will only property work with a flat surface, if you wanted to do this will hilly areas I would suggest using Raycasting to generate the Y positon. Any questions, feel free to ask.
Here is the one with the Raycast for the uneven terrain. This will ignore players. (Updated)
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local item = replicatedStorage.Part -- Put whereever the coin is in here
local baseplate = workspace.Baseplate --Put whatever is the baseplate in here
local rnd = math.random
function DropItems(amount, height)
local baseplatePos = baseplate.Position -- positrion of the baseplate
local baseplateSizeX = baseplate.Size.X / 2 --offset
local baseplateSizeZ = baseplate.Size.Z / 2 --offset
local baseplateSizeY = baseplate.Size.Y / 2 --offset
for i = 1,amount do
local newCoin = item:Clone()
newCoin.Parent = workspace -- put whereever you want to the coin to go in here.
local baseplateFinalPosX = baseplatePos.X + (rnd(-baseplateSizeX,baseplateSizeX)) --position on x coord
local baseplateFinalPosZ = baseplatePos.Z + (rnd(-baseplateSizeX,baseplateSizeZ)) --position on z coord
local baseY = baseplatePos.Y
local newPos =, baseY + 1000, baseplateFinalPosZ)
local downPos =, baseY - 1000, baseplateFinalPosZ)
local igList = {}
for _,x in pairs(players:GetChildren()) do -- block players as hit
local char = x.Character or x.CharacterAdded:Wait()
table.insert(igList, char)
local params =
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = igList
local result = workspace:Raycast(newPos,, downPos).LookVector * 10000, params)
if result ~= nil then
local baseplateFinalPosY = result.Position.Y + height + (newCoin.Size.Y / 2) -- positon on y coord
local generateRndPos =,baseplateFinalPosY,baseplateFinalPosZ) --makes pos
newCoin.Position = generateRndPos --applies
warn("Coin was destroyed because of invalid placement position")
--Replace this with whatever you will use to call the funation
-- The first num(25) is how many to spawn
-- The second is the height off the ground to spawn them
Fixed it, I was a little confused about whether to use :Raycast()
or :findPartOnRayWithIgnoreList()
, when I was learning Raycasting I was taught to do it using :findPartOnRayWithIgnoreList()
, not :Raycast()
. But now i’ve seen people use both I know how to use both I just used :findPartOnRayWithIgnoreList()
, but thanks for clearing it up! I updated the Code to be using :Raycast()