I’m considering handling pvp hitboxes through the target’s client rather than the attacker’s client or server to give high ping players a equal chance considering my game is heavily reliant on timing and such. I’m planning to send a remote event to the server which then fires to all nearby clients to have them handle the hitbox and animation. The attacker will have their own animation visually handled clientsided.
I understand this may heavily impact lag for both players but I’m hoping it gives laggy players a chance to react to attacks.
I also understand the possibility of exploiters but it’s a minimal concern considering Roblox’s recent state of anticheat and I think I could create a few methods of validation.
For context I’m working on a melee based primarily pve game with optional pvp.
Does anybody know of any other potential issues with handling hitboxes this way? Would it be better to just handle hitboxes normally (attacker’s clientside/serverside)?
Due to the nature of Roblox’s networking, you’d probably be better off just using this as a secondary system of validation with an UnreliableRemoteEvent and use normal Client-Server with Server Validation sanity checks for the hitboxes.
Otherwise, lag will be an understatement for some people.
Don’t forget, VPNs do exist, this could easily be exploitable.
So basically, we have a character that is moving to the left. Depending on which device you’re on, their position is different. Blue is our client, green is the server, and red is the client that’s moving. Now let’s say our client, which sees only the blue character, aims an attack. Where should they aim?
Obvoiusly they’re going to aim for the blue one since that’s what they see, and if the game uses client sided hitboxes, they’ll hit. A game with server-sided hitboxes means they’d miss, and they’d need to actually aim for the green one which they can’t even see. But using a reverse-client-sided hitbox means you have to aim for the red character, which you also can’t see and is even harder to guess where it is.
Oh my god thank you so much for pointing this out! I was only considering lag regarding hitboxes not movement too. You’ve saved me so much time from going down the wrong path thank you