Possible bug with collisions || Object going into CanCollide True blocks

Hey, I am having issues with funky collisions on the object, is this a possible bug or can anyone redirect me in the right direction.

The issue is that the cube object that Is welded to the character is going through objects that have the can collide property set to true.

I created a collision group with the character and the object in case the problem seems to be the character and the object are colliding with each other causing weird collisions. but obviously, it is not the solution.


	local Config = plr.Config
	local CanTransform = Config.CanTransform
	if CanTransform.Value == true then
		local Char = plr.Character
		local CharHRP = Char.HumanoidRootPart
		local Rotation = CharHRP.CFrame - CharHRP.CFrame.Position		
		local Model = prompt.Parent
		if Char:FindFirstChild('Prop') then
		local ModelClone = Model:Clone();
		ModelClone.Name = 'Prop'
		local MainPart = ModelClone.PrimaryPart
		MainPart.Anchored = false
		MainPart.CanCollide = true
		local Weld = Instance.new('WeldConstraint')
		Weld.Part0 = MainPart
		Weld.Part1 = CharHRP
		Weld.Parent = MainPart
		MainPart.CFrame = Rotation + CFrame.new(CharHRP.Position.X, MainPart.Size.y * 0.5, CharHRP.Position.Z).Position
		Main.SetChar(Char, 1)	
		ModelClone.Parent = Char

Game Link : Prop-Hunt - Roblox