Possible memory leak on an OOP script?

Hello there!

It’s my first time using OOP and just learning the ropes of things. Anywho, I’m creating a BaseModule for all of the enemies inside of my game which will contain “general” AI (Basically just functions/AI all or the majority of enemies will share like pathfinding).

Anyway, I’m done finishing a function inside of the BaseModule which contains a function that finds the nearest player and allows the NPC using said function to pathfind towards their target depending on what type of enemy the NPC is. (Walkers will move normally while slimes hop towards their target.)

The issue however is that there might be a possible data leak on the BaseModule, more specifically on the pathfinding function I mentioned earlier. It seems to be stuck on walls despite using Roblox’s PathfindingService. (And for insult to injury, it also seems to ignore the player entirely until it reaches the players original position before moving towards the players new position.)

local PLRS = game:GetService("Players")
local PFS = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
local BaseNPCModule = {}

--All enemy types will be able to use this function
function BaseNPCModule.SetTargetting(Character,Type)
	local RootPart = Character.PrimaryPart
	local Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
	--//Getting all players
	local function FindNearestTarget()
		local players = {};
		local nearest = math.huge;
		local target = nil;

		for _, player in pairs(PLRS:GetPlayers()) do
			local character = player.Character;

			if character == nil then

			local distance = (character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - RootPart.Position);
			if distance.Magnitude <= nearest then
					Magnitude = distance.Magnitude,
					Player = player,
		for _, entry in pairs(players) do
			local magnitude = entry.Magnitude;
			local Player = entry.Player;

			if magnitude < nearest then
				nearest = magnitude;
				target = Player;

		return target;

	while task.wait() do
		--Getting the player first before doing the pathfinding stuff
		local Player = FindNearestTarget()
		if Player == nil then

		local Player_Char = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
		local Char_Root = Player_Char and Player_Char.PrimaryPart
		--The actual pathfinding stuff :D
		if Type == "Walker" then
			local Path = PFS:CreatePath()
			Path:ComputeAsync(RootPart.Position, Char_Root.Position)
			if Path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success then
				for _, Waypoint in pairs(Path:GetWaypoints()) do


return BaseNPCModule
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Do u check for any parts???if the thing…

Path finding service does not check for parts,they will just give u a route for the AI.


So in order to fix this,u need to check if its magnitude is …

What do you mean by that? I don’t get it sadly.

Check the magnitude for what? Dude.

Ok,so the problem u said earlier is that the NPC was stuck to the walls right???
The Wall is actually a
The “part” that i mean

U need to find the magnitude whether the magnitude from the player to the wall is greater than a certain distance

That just looks like how the logic of your code works. You loop through all the waypoints and wait for the NPC to reach each one before moving to the next one. It doesn’t find the next nearest target until it finishes walking the entire path.

Yeah, but that’s not what I’m trying to fix right now. I’m trying to fix an issue with the pathfinding function as I now realize it’s broken as seen here:

External Media

Didn’t I already do that???

There’s a for _, player in pairs(PLRS:GetPlayers()) do loop which only loops through players. There’s no need for that?

I didnt say about players.i am saying the magnitude