Possible to get Maximum allowed players in a Place?

I am trying to get this value via Server Script

Is this possible? I can’t seem to find any resources for it. If not, how do I approach this problem? I cannot hardcode it because I am going to duplicate the places but will change its behavior depending on how many maximum players it allows

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You can manipulate Max Players allowed by using a server-side script.

game.MaxPlayers = 16

If you need to find Max Players value you can use

local maxPlayers = game.MaxPlayers
print("Server max players is ", maxPlayers)

This is incorrect. MaxPlayers is a property of the Players service. Additionally, the property is ReadOnly — meaning you can’t modify its value.

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My apologizes. Looks like there is no way to change MaxPlayers property.

Any updates on how to do this? Is something as simple as this really impossible?

The Players service has a property called MaxPlayers. (game.Players.MaxPlayers)
You can use that property to get the maximum number of players allowed in a server.
Though it’s read-only.

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Why is it that, when I have set my max players to 3 it always says 60?

Tested it on the actual thing, it does say 3 this is correct!


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