Possible to restore back deleted game?

Ok, so whatever in 11/24/24, i accidentally didn’t saved the game and i don’t know how to restore.

Do you save it manually, or do you use the Studio Autosave?

Did Studio ask you if you wanted to recover a place that wasn’t saved when Studio was shut down?

From the error report it says can’t read header, which doesn’t look like an “I forgot to save it” type of problem.

  1. No but, large game yes.

  2. wdym?

First, please don’t respond to your post, respond to post of the person you want to reply to so they actually get a notice that you’ve responded.

You replied:
No but, large game yes. So is that no, you don’t save it manually and yes, you use autosave? If it’s in your autosave file you can just open it from there. On my computer it’s in my Documents > Roblox > AutoSaves file folder.

wdym? When you open Studio if a session ended due to a crash the next time you open Studio it’ll ask you if you want to open the saved version.

But I don’t really understand your original issue.
Did you do a bunch of work and then not save it? The old version should still be there even if you didn’t save it. Same as the autosaved version.

Or did you actually delete the place?
If you deleted it you can go back to your Roblox place and click the 3 dot menu at the top right and at the bottom of the list click the Migrate To Latest Update button and choose a previous saved version.

1.i was doing experiments with random scripts and i ignored roblox studio’s Warning thing like whatever this is
and make me lost my simple project :confused:

  1. i just deleted the game by ignoring “Save changes to Place1?”

Did you save it even one time?

If you have AutoSave enabled you should still have a copy on your computer in the location I mentioned (or wherever your AutoSave tool is saving your games).

didn’t touch them

btw, simple project wander away because most of auto-recovery are gone and most of them is from big game

Did you have the smaller file under a different name, or the same name?
Don’t use the same name or file to start out with.
Do you have one AutoSave file that’s small with a new different name? It might be your place if you didn’t open the big game.

I know I’ve opened new places to test something before. I don’t think it AutoSaved though because I hadn’t manually saved it at the beginning to create a new file.

too lazy to name recovery. so any autosave doesn’t contain simple projects