Post-Apocalyptic City #2 [Showcase]

After nearly a month, I decided to make a new showcase. What do you think about it? :wink:

Link: Silence - Roblox


Amazing job, it clearly looks really well. Keep up the builds

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Very cool aesthetic, I am surprised. Also the greyscale looks so nice on the place.

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It looks very nice. I expect your work to continue. :slight_smile:

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It looks very nice, good job with the lighting aswell.

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Fantastic! It felt like I had walked into a place completely forgotten and abandoned. Keep it up!

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Wow! I love that lighting! It looks very realistic as well. Good job with that build! :wink:

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Thanks for your opinions. :slight_smile:

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The building models, I can say is great and its astonishing to see the graphics you have used to this game is really acceptable.
The old color really makes the atmosphere look apocaliptic and the way you’ve made this abandoned cars and building really makes the apocaliptic scene more realistic.
Keep up the great work!

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Thank you @megapaul0917 :smiley_cat:

The place is so beautiful. It actually does seem abandoned, and the greyscale really fits it. I hope to see a lot more builds like this, as you have great potential.

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Very nice! I love how you have also made the lighting set the mood of the showcase.

Keep it up mate!


Hello, do you do commissioning by any chance? I absolutely love all of the builds you’ve shared