Post Approval team forgetting about approving posts

My counterargument to this is, if someone has 10 free hours in their day, do you only expect they want to spend 10 of those hours ‘working’ or some of that time responding to posts they want to discuss?

I don’t disagree with you, i’ve proposed that some top contributors should be offered the role however picking some random members isn’t the solution.

No, of course not. Let’s say there are 3k users that liked someone’s post, which mean there might be 3k users total on devforum. But active users are around 500 and about 20 of Post Approval Team. Solution for this would be hiring 10 more active users. From those active users, 100-200 of them make threads once a week. I think that can mean something. For example, one post approval member takes care of 5 threads a day, so it should work. Of course remember it’s a theory so I can be wrong. Also, I don’t want to attack anyone in this topic but to opine my dissapointment.

Even if you waited for 2 weeks. Why does it matter? Bug posting is for posting bugs, you don’t need to care how long it takes, unless you’re hunting Regular?

Life is moving bud, more people are starting to play Roblox, hence logically more people will be on the Forum.

Why? Go do it then, do it like a full-time job.
PA Members do have life, they have job, they do this only for ‘fun’.

This is so vague that I almost cried… It’s not their job… It’s just their hobby. They are not required to do it.

No, thank you. I can see the disaster if this happened. :slight_smile:

YOU should fix your attitude and be more respectful! This topic is nothing than huge disrespect to PA team out there. So please, fix your attitude.


This is the literal definition of what volunteering is.

Our backlog currently is very bad because the inbox is growing faster than we can currently keep up with it due to life responsibilities (since we are volunteers and are not paid). We will crush it back down sometime soon(?).

This topic is poorly informed and very disrespectful. I will reply more fully when I am not at work.


Just be patient and you post will be approved. Are you replying to the DM to try and bump it up because if you are this will make the approval time much longer. AFAIK the post approval team approves posts with the oldest activity first and work their way through from there. If your post requires minimal edits then the approval times will be much shorter because the team wont have to spend time helping you fix your posts.

I agree and disagree. For a short term solution hiring more users will help improve the approval times, providing the users are fit for the position. However hiring more users wont be a good long term solution because new people can’t be brought in each time their is a huge backlog. Instead work should be done to reduce the current backlog.

I wish members could post in discussion but it wouldn’t work. I can remember buildthomas saying that around 90% of the posts that went through post approval for discussion were instantly declined for being nonsense. If discussion was opened up the category will very quickly loose it’s quality just like the #resources category has.

If you really want to use the discussion category you could easily make discussion topics fit in the #help-and-feedback:game-design-support category instead.

The team aren’t obliged to approve your posts and are only doing it because they care about the forum. You should be grateful they are even approving your posts because the post approval team could be easily removed and the restricted categories locked to Regulars. Making it impossible for members to make posts in platform feedback.


I feel like you don’t understand topic. Please read it twice and don’t quote my words if I have explanation for them 3 seconds later.

I am sorry, topic wasn’t meant to be disrespectful. I am opining my dissapointment for how Post Approval team and when being in argument some of members respond ‘it’s volunterr job’ instead of answering actuall question. Thanks still for answering, so far I find this as a helpful comment for my problem.

No, I understand this more than fully.

You started disrespecting PA, just because they are slow? They have real-life job, other real-life problems to take care of. Their life is not just about PA and Forum.

Disrespect at its finest.


Maybe a better question that would help @kacper532 and something I do like to know even though I think the answer will be obvious.

@PeZsmistic Do people from Post Approval always answer or are there any exceptions?

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Thanks for letting me know. I don’t know how Post Approval work, so I am questioning it.

Yes, I agree with this, but it’s sad 10% of people must feel effects of this, but we can’t do anything about that.

My topics sadly are about people instead, not games.

Yes, as I said Post Approval are representatives of forum?

Well, let me prove you’re wrong and didn’t read all comments and topic carefully. Firstly, I am sure I said 3 times I don’t want to disrespect anyone, but just to opine my dissapointment for how long I gotta wait.

I know this is said with sarcasm, but this was mean. Everyone is hunting for Regular because Regular has more options, so don’t act like you don’t know. By bumping topics I can’t get regular and you must know that.

Please read once again comments.

Fun? Is fun being representative of a community? Read again comments. Full-time job will guarantee you money.

No it’s not hobby. This comment shows how much you know about Post Approval and still discuss about them. Read again comments. If they want to do it when they want, they would lose their job tomorrow. What you said is hillarious.

I have no comment for this, because it’s hillarious.

No? Some people use Forum just for fun, not help and support other devs.

Yes it will, but not the case for PA.

What is it then? A Job? If it would be a job, they would be required to do it x hours daily. They are just group of Forum veterans. They do it to help the community. They are not required to do it.

I see, so disrespecting is hilarious.

Then read your Original Post again and edit it, at its current state, it is disrespectful.

I am not going to argue anymore.

I am telling you last time to keep on-topic because you are getting off-topic and rather go in discussion with me, without having any information about PA. In the topic I asked for answer and if it’s a bug, and discussed a little bit of how PA was answering me previously if I was angry with them. And yes, it’s a job. If you would be hired, you know how many hours you must work.

If you don’t know how they work, why do you tell them to do their job better?

What do you mean by this?

They are not. They don’t have a direct line of contact with roblox staff. If something, the sages are the community representatives.

Nope. I know people who just want to browse the forum just for the heck of it. I am one of them and was rewarded with the regular status over a year ago.

You were the one to go OT with him in the first place. You need to calm down and try to change your tone when you talk to people.


PA not working (like in office), but how the (system?) works.

I mean my topics are about people, if they are doing good etc. (‘Are simulators good etc.’, not about game itself [what lobby should include]).

Thanks for answer.

Gratulations, then I was wrong.

No, he started saying about me some crazy stuff and trying me to prove me I am wrong or I am only here for Regular, and want to be ‘disrespectful’ to anyone. Thanks for answers, also don’t tell me about tone because I still remember your tone when talking with people :wink: I am trying to be most respectful but to touch such topics, because I don’t have answers for them.

Don’t personally attack others.

Sorry, what did you just say above?

Wow, buddy, you just disproved every single volunteer everywhere.

What’s the point of helping people for the sake of it if you’re not getting paid? Hell, all I care about is money.

Also, change your tone. You’re getting real aggressive here.


Question about money goes to roblox itself for creating role. Why this topic changed into discussion rather than answering my question?

I am not attacking anyone, would it be happy if someone tells you what to do by internet?

I think it’s logical here I questioned being representative of a community, by fun I said here he’s treating being PA like a game with a child.

Lets stay on topic, if you don’t agree with the post then don’t reply…

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Because, currently many countries have set a lockdown, and more people are playing Roblox and want to join the forum. The current backlog for PA is growing and growing, and they have trouble just keeping up with requests from members in #platform-feedback.

Just, be patient. Mine took up to 1-2 weeks one time, but I was patient. If you go patient as well, then the time will go faster.

You think. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they are. Post Approval members is members who volunteer to be a part of this program. If it is anybody is who a community representative, then it is the members of the @Community_Sage group.

Times are changing, my friend. Because of the pandemic, they need time to review all of it. They have a life too. They are humans. They are not a first-class robot that can do anything in 5 seconds. See my first point.

They are not defending themselves, they are telling facts. The Post Approval team is indeed a community volunteer job, which means they can do it whenever they feel like to. I feel like you were a little disrespectful there.

Wowowow, I have to stop you there. What did you just say? That is very disrespectful.

PA members is working their best when they have time and feel like to do so. Even if your topic doesn’t get reviewed the second it gets submitted, they will still review when they come to it.

Improve your behavior, my friend.

I completely understand that, must users want that. But, as @buildthomas said one time, #discussion topics was declined 90% of the time because it will be either too poorly or make non-sense. Post Approval is great as it is.

If you wanna learn more about why the post approval is taking longer time, I highly recommend reading this post:


Thanks finally for answering my question!

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