Post false group ban update - 4 months later

Over 3 months ago the group under the name “ANTAGONIST” (ID: 32761717), which I am an owner of and had a lot of funds, was falsely banned for “selling robux”. Multiple attempts of communication were addressed to Roblox’s department. An initial email was sent on September 26th, followed by 2 additional emails on the 15th and 30th of October. One of these emails requested an MIDR process. A physical letter was also sent out to their headquarters on the 5th of December. Though more than 3 months after providing our counter evidence(MULTIPLE images of our robux being taked out for devex/history of paying our developers via gamepass/taking out robux for sponsors) - which none of these included selling robux to their evidence(none) we are still left without a reply. I am still seeking methods to reach someone who can look into this matter.

FYI - roblox support tickets are the only answers I get but the answers are either “please review the information we have provided” or “we have provided all the information we can at this time” or something around that. Im gonna have to keep pushing everywhere I can before I reach someone possible of looking into this issue because roblox support are obviously only trained to reply with copy and paste responses.

If you are an employee under Roblox or anyone that may be able to help please reach out to me. Thanks.

I have seen this issue arising more frequently within the past 2 months, here are some other posts that entail false bans. Hopefully whoever has this issue can link posts and get recognition.


Unfortunately, this issue keeps coming up—countless people (myself included) have reported it, yet nothing has been done. I even have concrete evidence, but they refuse to acknowledge it.

The best approach is to raise awareness. If you have any following on social media, post about your experience. With enough attention, someone might take notice.

I’ll be linking your post’s URL to mine on the same topic so other users facing this issue can find it too—hopefully, that helps get it resolved…


Try contacting the Roblox DevForum moderators by sending a private message and telling them your situation.

It is shameful that a company that could listen much better to the community’s reports ends up ignoring the problems or using a robot to “investigate” the problem. Waiting days and days to get a response and not receiving a solution is very bad and complicated.

I’ve already gone through a different process and to this day it hasn’t been resolved because there was a problem on my old PC… But there are other reports that haven’t been resolved for many people I met.

What should be something useful for reporting problems ends up being more problematic.


Man, this situation is complicated. You know when you do everything, but it feels like you’re talking to a wall? Well, that’s how many of us are feeling with Roblox support. It’s frustrating. You send proofs, wait days, weeks, and what do you receive? Automatic responses. It even seems like a joke…


Thank you for the suggestion. I’ve already tried that approach, but with no response. So, my last resort is to engage in forums where others are facing similar issues in hopes of garnering some attention.

This entire situation probably would’ve been resolved if I had been a YouTuber with even the littlest following base… :')

Truly shameful.

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Exactly brother, what they do to us in a problem that could be resolved without the need for the humiliation that is happening is unfair.

Just spreading the word to see what happens… the issue of YouTubers is a good example that you mentioned, at Google there are many problems with recovering personal accounts and it is one of the worst there is, if you are a notable person for them you end up solving them in a short time. :confused:

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Do you know where I could find a list of the roblox DevForum moderators? I’ve been snooping around and haven’t been able to find a list of them more so only ones that have replied to already existing posts


only suggestion that comes to my mind right now is try contacting a few youtubers to make alight to the situation and hopefully that’ll start making a domino effect of all of them posting about the same thing


Check this out! It’ll help with what you’re trying to do. :')


Thanks I’ve sent a messages to the moderators. Hopefully I get some reply back within 2-3 weeks

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Unfortunately a lot of youtubers have their DM’s disabled due to others(most likely) massly messaging them as well

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Can you make a video about the case? It doesn’t have to be a super high-quality edit… I think if we could draw attention to a company, this would perhaps be the best option (just thinking about it here is an extraordinary humiliation for something that could be resolved in a short time)

so we can spread more about the case.