Roblox has a SERIOUS termination problem and it's driving Developers away

(Please thoroughly read everything, this is hopefully well written enough for everyone to sympathise with and understand 100% how important this is)

(To make things easier to track as this is really long, you can choose to skip My Story)

  1. Introduction
  2. My Story
  3. The Termination message and my reasoning as to why I would never do this
  4. The Termination Method which can be Exploited to Terminate further users
  5. For any Admins/Staff passing this I do have full proof including what country they are from exploting this method and their Discord Server that is openly selling Robux (and items) which I’ve reported to Support many times with them failing to Termiante this user
  1. Hello everyone,

I know this is a Topic you occasionally come across here on the Help & Feedback > Platform usage Support category and probably forget about it by the end of reading the post. But this issue seriously has to be addressed.

We, as a community, build the foundation of Roblox and deserve much better treatment—especially as developers (and Upcoming Developers) driving People to Roblox which convert into Revenue for them…

As you all may know, a lot of Developers can DevEx Robux for USD—in which people rely on as a form of income to some extent or even fully.

So why are we punishing potential innocents from this? For those who can’t grasp the situation and probably find the situation unlikely my own personal story lives up to these points I’ve just stated;

  1. I am a full-time student and full-time worker who heavily relied on Roblox DevEx to support my family, as my mother is unable to work due to disability. With the false termination of my account, I’m now contemplating whether to drop my education and work double jobs just to stay afloat.

And I am only one out of the many other users that have been false terminated, that may even be in worse situations than I.

  1. So, the big question. What was my Termination message and how did I get Terminated?
    My Termination Message as follows is this one; “Your account has been moderated for buying, selling, or trading Robux or virtual Roblox items outside of the Roblox website.”

I have and never would do this as DevEx’ing USD to my currency (AUD) is so much more valuable than people who Black Market sell Robux, Robux Items? (limiteds and I believe selling valuable pets and stuff??)

  1. Now, the method they used;

Paying a Developer that is selling the Robux off platform themselves. Yeah, that’s literally it.

They would send me T-shirts, Gamepasses and whatnot saying that I’m paying their groups Developer Team personally (he would send screenshots and make groupchats to sell the lie) and or that they’ve “commissioned smaller Developers” which— I wouldn’t question these small payouts at all as I would donate to users in the game “Pls Donate” as I come from a background where giving is the nicest thing to do and is a key to greatness.

  1. So, for anyone that even made it this far— I do have proof of everything and I would love to post the proof here but I’m afraid they might come across this somehow and try to cover their tracks fully. I would appreciate any engagement on this post as I’ve just recently come across another user here complaining about the same thing and I believe this might just be the next exploitable termination method.

Thank you all.

Other user(s)/people with the same issue;
EDIT: Unfair Account Termination
Terminated for no reason apparently - Thanks Roblox <3
Post false group ban update - 4 months later


It’s honestly sad how broken and unfair Roblox’s moderation is. I had a similar issue, but what makes it even worse is that I didn’t even participate in any off-platform transactions - I simply paid my own developers through group payouts (!!!)

Trying to appeal is practically useless because they don’t even read our appeals - they just decline them instantly, without any proper review. The fact that they treat their developers like this is beyond frustrating. We are the ones bringing players to their platform, creating experiences that generate revenue for them, yet they punish us with false bans and give us no chance to prove our innocence.

The way Roblox moderates its developers is not just unfair - it’s completely broken.


Thank you so much for commenting! I’m in the same boat. I trusted a so-called ‘developer,’ only to find out they were just reselling off-platform.

And Roblox Support is absolutely useless unfortunately… As I’ve sent them concrete proof multiple times, and they’ve done absolutely nothing about the scammer. :')

Hopefully, this topic gets enough attention for your issue to be resolved too.


It’s really simple. When you have a platform that uses AI for the vast majority of their moderation… this is what you get.

AI moderation is why Roblox’s moderation system is null and void.

The reality is they are outnumbered.

Their entire report system is flawed.

People who do nothing wrong can get falsely banned by human moderators while the bad actors get away with everything.

Bad actors don’t just slip through AI moderators… they slip through human moderation as well… and this is why we see so much bad activity occurring on the platform.

I truly believe when a problem has gotten out of control, the best thing people can do is find alternative solutions.

That might be something different for everyone… if it’s parents… that means it’s their job to take serious matters to police if their child is being abused by adults on Roblox… since nobody cannot rely on Roblox to protect children.

Even Roblox themselves have acknowledged that they should not be trusted and that kids should have safety restrictions on their account at all times… because they can’t guarantee that some predator won’t approach their kid on Roblox.

If it’s teens… it means if you see a scammer on Roblox and they add you on discord… you have to report it through discord… since Roblox does nothing to terminate scammers.

If it’s Youtube videos teaching people how to break Roblox TOS… then it means reporting the Youtube channel and videos with illegal content.

The bottom line is… all we can do is use other platforms against the people who break rules on Roblox.

If a problem only exists in Roblox… there’s really nothing you can do about it.

The police are only going to help under very serious circumstances and if it doesn’t meet that criteria… it should be considered a legal loophole.

There is absolutely nothing any of us can do about these legal loopholes that exist within Roblox

Sit back, relax, and watch them all unfold with a bag of popcorn :popcorn: and a sparkling drink :beer:


Seen like 2 posts of this today someone really needs to address this


As silly as it sounds, I did try to get the police involved, but they couldn’t do anything since it’s technically not illegal—just a rule violation (on Roblox). This kind of thing falls under Roblox’s jurisdiction, not theirs.

I do hope in regards to that though something does come out of this Topic as it seems very easy to exploit for future developers unvary of this…

I appreciate your comment on my Topic as it drives engagement negative or positive so thank you once again for engaging.

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Roblox’s moderation is extremely unbalanced. I’ve witnessed people doing sexual roleplays and not getting banned. While I received a 3 day ban for saying “fatty” to my friend because they made their avatar fat to have a laugh? And don’t get me started on asset moderation… Developers are having to work twice as hard to make sure all their assets aren’t at risk of being banned, having to replace them once Roblox randomly removes them or having to find alternatives because Roblox won’t allow an asset at all.


By now, everyone knows Roblox moderation is a joke. But what’s really unfair is how users get banned for minor things while genuinely dangerous content—like groups dedicated to grooming kids—often stays up for weeks, months, or even years. How does that make sense? It doesn’t.

And don’t even get me started on Asset Moderation. I once uploaded a plain black shirt, and it got deleted for being ‘sexual’—seriously? To make it worse, I got a week-long ban and couldn’t even appeal I believe but this was somewhat long ago so I can’t exactly remember.

With all that said, something needs to change. Punishments like these don’t just feel unfair—they completely kill the motivation for beginners trying to create content on the Platform.

I hope this gets addressed as it’s becoming a serious problem.

And thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and engage with this Topic! I believe with enough engagement someone might pick this up and put it on their radar hopefully.


It’s already on the radar. Law enforcement is just waiting for Roblox criminals to do more sinister things. It always starts small and then as the criminals get more comfortable it escalates to more serious offenses that police can easily track and make arrests


we have a person that’s constantly on the watch for fellow threats to the roblox community too, i find it absolutely crazy that THAT guy is doing moderation’s job, and apparently effectively.
(might be a bit wrong, out of the hook related to these things)

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Appeals are nonexistent at this point. They will never work. It’s sad, and contradictory to the belief that metrics and developers are more important than most other things, including safety. It makes me wonder if Roblox’s employees are all wholly split on opinions or just being lazy.


Roblox employees are there to collect their paycheck. That’s it. It’s as simple as that. So I would say yes they are being lazy but it’s more than that. It’s the fact they are there to get paid that leads them into being lazy and least helpful when it comes to doing their job.


once again roblox proved that they don’t give a single crap about the people who keep this platform alive…


I’ve been thinking about quitting my potential journey in Roblox development and going towards something like steam or unreal engine. Roblox development is fun at first, but once you get into real income and things, their AI moderation kicks in. And at the same time a certain game that added unmoderated bios which I will not mention the name of but is currently being sued for a song is still on the platform.


If he’s smart he will singlehandedly drop the bomb on the court and show them proof that Roblox provides an extremely small amount of resources for its developers especially when compared to other platforms. How are they going to pull of a lawsuit when there’s not enough resources for developers to even make something high quality without copyright? The proof is in the events… Roblox does all these special events that THEY HOST and yet they teach none of us how they do it. Oh well. Can’t teach devs how to do things like create our own songs for Roblox? Well then we are entitled to use copyright and as far as I’m concerned… the case will fold and they won’t be able to prove he did anything wrong


Same thing happened to me the other day.
Who would I even talk to about this as a developer?

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Roblox moderation is clearly stuck in a pre-2022 environment.

Roblox Recently went public, meaning its selling stock/share in its company. That should be an indicator that it is a much more serious company and wants to attract the best kind of talent.

But the best kind of talent cannot operate under the conditions with the extremely harsh moderation practices. Its almost as if Roblox moderation is still operating in a 2006 internet environment.

Who would want to work in an area where the weather conditions are either clear skies or F4 Tornados with a 100% destructive capacity and when they appear you have no time to react?

I encounter moderation horror stories all the time here, and I even have my own, the only way to describe Roblox Moderation, Appeals and Roblox Support is Kafkaesque. Write this word in your brain a hundred times.

You can try reasoning with it, even if you know in your heart of hearts, if you have been treated unfair - with all the proof necessary, they will slam the door in your face and shuffle you along. They make the process as opaque and confusing as possible to set you off your balance to get you to give up. That is the essence of Kafkaesque.
It’s almost as if being moderated in itself alone, which is about as predictable as the weather three weeks in advance, is all the evidence Roblox needs to deny your appeal.

To make it worse, its most likely completely AI driven anyway. So a real person may not have read your appeals at all, basically shouting into the void.

In 2025, Roblox Moderation is not conducive to a creative environment and is actively discouraging it.


Unfortunately, it seems like there’s no one to talk to about this unless you have an online presence or a strong connection with Roblox Developer Relations or Roblox Staff…

My best advice would be to start a topic yourself—if more people speak up, someone will eventually take notice and do something, I hope at least.

Seems to being a recent banwave of some sort as similar posts keep coming up…

Very well put. I’ve tried to come to terms with it, telling myself that maybe I was too careless or looking for reasons to justify the termination. But the truth is, it wasn’t my fault at all. What leaves a bitter aftertaste is that, despite my termination, they’re still profiting from my work—even after I requested its removal… On three different occasions…

The reason I keep bringing this up and engaging in similar discussions is the hope that if enough people complain, someone will finally take notice.

It’s always better to make noise than to sit back and do nothing—because even the smallest chance of being heard is better than none. :')

I appreciate you taking the time out to engage in my post.

Are you saying Roblox is stealing from you?

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